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You're hot and tired. You've spent the entire day wandering through London, searching for something. don't know. You have no idea what you're doing, or where you're going. But a part of you does. Something deep inside you. You've never heard this part of your mind before. But you trust it. You trust it enough to listen to it. So you surrender and let your instincts guide you. You follow them--where do they lead? Right to an old building. You don't know why, but the building seems to give you an uneasy feeling. Maybe it's the way you've walked down this street many times before, but just now noticed it. Or maybe it's the fact that it seems like you're the only one who can see the store? It doesn't matter. You've come too far to be stopped by an uneasy feeling. You take a deep breath and walk through the door.

You appear to be in a run-down bar. The first thing you notice is that there is a door in the back. You don't know why you noticed this first, it just seems...important. At first you're disappointed that this is all you're going to find, when suddenly you get the feeling that this isn't a ordinary store. You notice vaguely that there are people scattered across the room. Although you're not sure if people would be the best word for it. The people, they seem seem.......strange. But not in a bad way. These people look like they've been outcasts all their lives. And that they don't mind, either. You don't know why, but these people also make you feel like you're one of them. And you want to be. You remember--there was a vibrant hum of conversation when you entered the door. Now it has all but stopped; everyone in the entire establishment is staring at you. You see surprise in their eyes. Surprise, perhaps, that you're here? You CAN see it in their eyes, they didn't expect you. Whatever they were expecting, it certainly wasn't you. You're about to turn around and leave when something takes over. You don't know how you know, but everything you've been looking for is on the other side of the door. You start walking towards it. As you get halfway across the room, you hear the barkeeper, a wizened-looking old man say, "Umm....excuse me...can I help you? I really don't think you should be going back there." You shake your head and keep walking. You haven't come this far in order to be told off. You reach the door. As you touch it, doubts fill your mind. You shake your head to clear them. You may never have this chance again.
You go through the door.

You find yourself in a narrow courtyard. Across from you, you see a brick wall. You're extremely discouraged. That's it? That's what you've been looking for? A moldy old brick wall? You turn away, digusted at your instincts. You decide to go back home and pretend this whole day never happened, when something glittery catches your eye. You turn and see a..... a what? One of the bricks in changing color. You stare at it and watch it go from red to orange to green and back again. You could have sworn that it hadn't been there before. You walk toward the brick, determined to find out what's going on here once and f or all. As you walk foward, you suddenly feel overridden with fear. Every fiber in your body screams at you to turn around and run. But you don't. You hold your ground. You keep walking toward the brick wall. First one step.... then two. You continue walking until you're about two feet away from the wall. You reach a hand out what? To touch the bricks? You don't know how, but you know that if you touch the brick, the answer will reveal itself. However, your nerves are at a breaking point. You want nothing more than to just turn around, go home, and come back another day. Of course, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to find your way back here again.

What do you do?

There IS going to be a really cool graphic here to let you link to the homepage (this isn't it) but I haven't figured it out yet. :P So just use this nice old text link to go to My Homepage. Or Click Here, Here, or Here!!