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Robyn Aileen Perkins


Terms and conditions, Fees and Contract

Terms and conditions

Counselling involves a deliberatly undertaken agreement with clearly agreed boundries and a commitment to privacy and confidentiality. The overall aim is to provide the oppertunity for the client to work towards living in a way he or she experences as more satisfying and resoursfull by working towards mutual goals.
Whilst be endevor to help the client in anyway possible we are not an advisory service we are here to help you explore and understand your concerns, issues, problems and fears.
The process is basicly thru email the client will submit their issues in an email and we will reply in basic language
This process has benifit over face to face counselling because you need never be seen by the counsellor thus your privacy remains upmost.
It also allows you to submit emails 24 hours a day from anywhere along with a cost saving with no travelling expenses. Internet counselling is suited to persons in remote areas and those who want to keep the maximum confidentiality.
If you have any further questions please feel free to email us at:Robyn_Perkins@bigpond.comThe privacy and confidentiality of the information held about the client will be respected.
Personal information will not be disclosed to third parties.


1) With the clients consent
2)To prevent a serious threat to a persons life or health
3) As required or authorised by law.
Where the client is less than 14 years of age consent for access to the information must be given by the parent or gardian.
The cilent has the right to access their personal information.

The counselling process will comence when we receive the contract returned to us either by email or surface mail and the payment of the fee by surface mail (please allow up to 10 working days for cheques to clear)
Payment can be made by cheque or money order to the address in the contract.
We will inform you of the balance left in your account in each reply. We will NOT give credit when your credit expires we will ask for additional funds therefore no surprise bills. We will reply to your email within 3 working days frequency of contact will be on more than twice a week. We will respond to your emails at least once a week and no more than twice a week. obtaining Some resorces (printed matter)may take longer due to availability.
If you are in the need of emergency counselling Please contact LIFELINE on 131114


all prices are in australian dollors and include G.S.T.
1 to 4 emails = $44.00
5 to 8 emails = $77.00
Unlimited emails in a 3 month period = $199.00
Addional charges:
Phone counselling will be charged at the same rate as an email responce per 15 minute call.( Remember you are paying the phone bill so we urge that you think before you phone)
Printed matter in hard copys requested will be charged at retail cost plus a postage and handeling fee of $10 on a C.O.D. post basis .. where legal to do so Photo copys of material well be charged at our cost plus P&H
Clients can seek a refund of fees not used in writing (email) a 10% surcharge will be deducted.
Got a question? please email


You will be given the opportunity to negotiate frequency of contact with your counsellor which will be no more than twice a week.
Your counsellor will respond to your emails at least once and no more than twice a week.
The fee for one contact , ie, your counsellor reading, reflecting and responding to an email will be charged proportinatly according to your nominated payment.
This is payable in advance by cheque or money order made payable to:
Robyn Perkins Counsellor
29 Christies Lane
Harrington 2427
New South Wales, Australia
The counsellors reply will be forthcoming when cheques clear.
Please include in the space below your True Name, Address, phone number and contact email along with an alis name if you prefer for our replys and a breif decripiton of your concerns and send this from by either submiting the form, email or surface post to the above address. We will reply with a responce (at no charge) asking for any relevent information we require to comence the counselling relationship.

Please note:

we will not contact you by surface mail unless requested by you
