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Hey ya'll, if you haven't already heard, Brian Littrel and Kevin Richardson are engaged to be married to their long time girlfriends. Brian, engaged to Leighanne Wallace,an actor & model already has the date set (it is before the end of the year). Kevin on the other hand just got engaged over the Valentines Weekend to his girlfriend of 7 years, Kristin, a dancer who has appeared on Broadway.

Samantha's Opinion: I am devoted Backstreet Boys fan, and unlike some of their Fans, I am SO HAPPY for them! They deserve to be happy and they don't need to put it aside because they fear the fans reactions. If you are a TRUE Fan you would accept the news and still be a's all about the music, not if they are single or not! I am happy for both Brian and Kevin & i hope everythin' works out! I personally have talked online with Brian's soon to be wife and she is the sweetiest person! Just beacuse people don't know her or they are upset Brian is not marryin' them, they act like she is a witch. She's the exact opposite. I hope that all the TRUE fans accept their decisions and are more than happy for all the boys in whatever they do in life. ~Samantha~

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