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Poll Results

Poll Results

Question: Who Is Your Favorite Monkee?

MICKY was the winner with 113 votes.

PETER came in second with a mere 18 votes.

DAVYand MIKE were tied for third with only 16 votes.

And one mere voter was undecided. (as if!) ;-)

I'll now feature a series of polls on each individual Monkee. The first will focus on Micky, the next on Peter, the one after that on Davy, and the last on Mike. The reason Davy comes before Mike is because Davy had a brief run in the poll in which he was way ahead of the others. Each poll will run for a month or two, depending on how much response they get. The end results will be posted here So come out and vote. Tell me just what you like about your favorite Monkee! Or even what you like about the other guys.

QUESTION: Why Do you Like Micky?

ZERO (0) people said it was because of his cute face. ^_^

ONE (1) person said it was because of his curly hair.

ZERO (0) liked him because of his singing voice. Does that say something? 0_0

ONE(1) fan said it was because of his awesome body. I wonder what they were thinking...;-)

FOUR (4) hilarious people said it was because of his great sense of humor. ^_^

NO ONE (0) likes Micky because of how he picks on Mike, Peter, OR Davy. Apparently, they like the other guys enough to be nice to them. ^_^

ONE (1) evil person said they didn't like Micky that much. :-P

NINE <9> people had the overwhelming majority, saying that a combo of all the above was why they liked Micky. ^_^ Couldn't decide what was best.

Posted now? The Peter Poll! Go And VOTE! back to main page and VOTE!