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Match One: Rikishi vs. Chris Benoit -- KOTR QUARTERFINAL
Winner: Rikishi via DQ when Benoit uses chair.
Afterwards, Benoit continues to attack Rikishi

Vince insists that he is not bothered by his wife's presence

Match Two: Eddy Guerrero vs. Val Venis -- KOTR QUARTERFINAL
Winner: Val Venis via fisherman's suplex

Match Three: Crash Holly vs. Bull Buchanan -- KOTR QUARTERFINAL
Winner: Crash Holly via half nelson roll-up

Linda wants to make sure that the main event is pulled off fairly

Match Four: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho -- KOTR QUARTERFINAL
Winner: Kurt Angle via Olympic Slam after interference by Stephanie.

Mick Foley is interviewed from WWF New York

Match Five: Edge/Christian vs. T&A vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Too Cool -- FOUR CORNERS ELIMINATION TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH
Winners and NEW champs: Edge/Christian via Edge's pinfall on Grand Master Sexay after belt shot.

Match Six: Rikishi vs. Val Venis -- KOTR SEMIFINAL
Winner: Rikishi via belly-to-belly suplex.
Afterwards, Val beats on Rikishi

Match 7: Crash Holly vs. Kurt Angle -- KOTR SEMIFINAL
Winner: Kurt Angle via Olympic Slam.

Match Eight: Gerry Brisco vs. Pat Patterson -- EVENING GOWN MATCH FOR HARDCORE TITLE
Winner and NEW champ: Crash Holly

Match Nine: X-Pac/Road Dogg/Tori vs. The Dudley Boyz -- TABLE/DUMPSTER MATCH
Winners: X-Pac & Road Dogg & Tori.
Afterwards, Dudley's put Tori through table

Match Ten: Kurt Angle vs. Rikishi -- KING OF THE RING FINAL
Winner and the 2000 King Of The Ring: Kurt Angle via top rope belly to belly suplex.

Match 11: Vince McMahon/Shane McMahon/Triple H vs. Kane/Undertaker/Rock -- IF FACTION LOSES, THE MAN WHO GETS THE PINFALL BECOMES WWF CHAMPION
Winners: Kane/Undertaker/Rock
NEW WWF champ: Rock via Rock Bottom on Vince