1. L arm bar
2. R arm bar
3. Double arm bar
4. Full forward L arm dragon twist
5. Full forward R arm dragon twist
6. Side head lock - R
7. Side head lock - L
8. Leg sleeper
9. Body scissor
10. Bear hug
11. Rear chin lock
12. L arm jar
13. R arm jar
14. Choke hold - L hand
15. Choke lift
16. Foot choke - L foot
17. Basic camel clutch from stomach
18. Canadian back breaker - L side of head
19. Choke hold - R hand
20. Double handed choke hold
21. Foot choke - R foot
22. Man on ground, pull L leg sideways
23. Man on ground, pull R leg sideways
24. Fig. 4 around ring post - R knee press.
25. Fig. 4 around ring post - L knee press.
26. Tree-of-woe pull head back L foot over R
27. Bend leg up - R
28. Bend leg up - L
29. Ab stretch - L side
30. Ab stretch - R side
31. L knee in small of back, pull arms back
32. R knee in small of back, pull arms back
33. Neck across rope & sit on neck
34. L heel on crotch
35. R heel on crotch
36. Choke w/ bat
37. Choke w/ lead pipe
38. Push head into mat w/L hand
39. Push head into mat w/R hand
40. Push head into mat w/R foot
41. Push head into mat w/L foot
42. Push head into mat w/bat
43. Push head into mat w/pipe
44. Push head into mat w/chair
45. Full nelson
46. Double underhook
47. Single R underhook
48. Single L underhook
49. Chicken wing - R arm
50. Chicken wing - L arm
51. Rocking horse - full crab
52. ½ crab - L
53. ½ crab - R
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