
Disciplines: Potence, Fortitude, Aran

Advantage: Zin gain 1 extra Bruised health level due to their stocky build, and also starts with an extra Brawl and Dodge ability.

Disadvantage: They must start with the Flaws: Monstrous and Short, due to their physical appearance. Also, they must choose an extra flaw from the list below, but this flaw counts towards there negative traits: Illiterate, Speech Impediment, Confused, Intolerance (other Zin houses), Mute, or Handler (Derangement).

*Unfortunately, I do not have information on the different Zin houses. However, I believe there are three of them. :)

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Walk among the Tame:
The Zin is capable of changing the perception of his appearance to others. The human image perceived is always similar in size and apparent mass, and usually takes form as an adolescent or dwarf. But, the Zin can only choose 1 appearance. That one disguise is the only appearance it may take on with this power. Cost and Auspex rules are exactly like Obfuscate: Mask of 1000 Faces.

Strength of the Aran:
By spending a blood trait, the Zin gains 3 bonus traits to defend itself against all challenges to enter and/or control its' mind for 1 hour. You cannot spend the 1 blood once the challenge has already been issued, but once per night it may spend 3 blood traits to activate this power after a challenge has been issued.


Resilience of the Aran:
By spending 1 willpower trait, the Zin can effectively gain the Merit: Iron Will for 1 hour. However the storyteller may require the spending of an extra willpower against more potent powers and rituals.


Aran Release:
Spending a willpower trait allows the Zin to let its' Aran take a physical form through it, and gain its' powers, for a time. The transformation takes 3 actions, and the body size nearly doubles (6'-8' tall). They gain the physical traits: Brawny, Ferocious, Stalwart but they gain the Bestial Negative trait. Claws from their hands and feet inflict aggravated damage. Leathery wings sprout from their back, allowing for flight, though it may not carry heavy objects, like a body. The transformation only last for 1 hour and for that time it gains an active Derangement: Crimson Rage.