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WackerJack's Page O' Ska

Hello! Welcome to WackerJack's wonderfully wacky world of ska! (Wow, check out the alliteration in that last sentence.) Ska music rocks--well, actually, I guess it skanks--and I'm gonna put stuff about my favorite ska and swing bands on here.
Eventually. When I feel like it.

Ok, while exploring this page and the assorted goodies found therein, please remember that this is my first ever web page (disregarding one or four that I just forgot about), and I'm still learning HTML. Besides, I'd like to see you do better. And if you do have an awesome web page, then you're obviously a talented person and there are better things you could do than criticize me.

What's new with me?

So good of you to ask. Actually, I'm in the process of putting together my very own ska band. I've been saying that I would for about a year now, so I decided that--goshdarnit--it's time to actually do it. Right now, we have me on trumpet (which is interesting because at the moment, I don't even own a trumpet), Justin Deitz on guitar, and Megan "Mo" Kirk as lead singer. Now all we need is a name, a drummer, bass player, trombonist, and saxophone player, and we'll be all set. Come see us, we'll be good.

And who is the wonderfully talented person who made this amazing webpage? Click here to find out.

Now I have a separate page for links, instead of wasting space here.

You are visitor no. to get skanked.

If you want to complain about my page, shut up. If you want to tell me
how awesome I am, you can email me at