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    Black Miniatures

I would like to tell you about how we came to own our poodles,
and how we started to get interested in showing them and occasionally breeding.

My husband Malcolm and I, are both involved in our poodles. It all started a few years ago.
We had a mongrel, Fred, who was half Irish wolfound, half everything - you name it! He died an old man of 17 and we hunted and hunted for a dog who looked like him, but in vain.
One day we saw an advertisement in the local paper, and we saw poodle puppies for sale. After a few years during which time we had acquired one or two other poodles, and learned how to wash, dry, clip and trim them - incidentally the scissoring work is all done by Malcolm, who is very artistic - not like me - rather heavy handed and impatient! This took a long time, and we made many mistakes, but watched the very best people at work on their poodles.
Our first significant show was six months after Maldavale Angelique was born. She was from our foundation bitch, Seabrook Barbarella at Maldavale, and was born on 14th April 1984. She was best puppy at an open show and the write up on her was terrific. This gave us hope and we took her to a championship show and in the following December, at B.U.B.A. Championship Show she qualified for Crufts - getting first out of 26 puppies. This was our first insight into serious showmanship. Here is a picture of me with our wonderful Angelique, who died at the age of 12.
She did very well at shows, but we bred from her when she was 3 years old, and from her first litter she produced our first famous champion which was owned by the Bedingfield Kennels and this was Champion Maldavale Foxy Lady at Bedingfield, who had many CCs and was best of breed at Crufts.

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