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CUPID'S ARROW: The place for teens to meet boyfriends and girlfriends over the 'net

Go 2 Da Girls Ads
Go 2 Da Guys Ads
Go Here For a Kewl Home Page



We are sad to say that Cupids Arrow is coming to a close. Christina is going to college and does not feel she has the time to continue this page. As for Desia, her membership to her internet service will be terminated on May 22nd, and because she is moving this summer her family will not be renewing it. She is going on a trip on May 18th and will not be back before the end of the membership. Therefore, if you would like to post an ad, please do so before May 17th, 1998. Desia will post all the ads that come to her and will delete most of the old ones that remain on the site. We have enjoyed working on this page. Thank you for making it a mini- success!!! We'll miss you!

Hey everybody! Welcome to Cupid's Arrow. This is the place to meet guys & grrrls from all over da net. Here's how this site worx. Send in the information below, and I'll place it under a category. The catagories are BOYS: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and GIRLS: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Then, others will read your ad, and if you seem like someone they like, they'll e-mail you. It's totally free, and you there is no membership to apply for or anything. You can look at other people's ads, too. New ads are added about once a week, so check in often. pLeAsE nOtE: Ads Will Be Deleted once in a while if they get too old or the category is too crowded. You can always post more, though! Tell your friends about the page!!

-Desia and Christina :) Founders of C.A.

To place an ad, send the following info to bEfOrE MAY 17TH, 1998 under the subject "CUPID AD"

  1. name (full, first, or a nickname)
  2. age
  3. where you're from
  4. fave band/kind of muzac
  5. description (hobbies, what you look like, etc)
  6. what kind of girl or boy you're looking for
  7. your e-mail address
  8. where you found out about the page from

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