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strange weapons in AD&D

there is some strange weaons found in advanced dungeons and dragons (under construction(since july 20 1998))

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This bony, white spear is three feet long, with two overlapping ridges.The six inch base of the spear is the handle. When the handle is squeeze, the spear extend to it s full length.This telescoping effect is so fast that it can puncture armor and the flesh beneath. Quick as a flash, the spear contract, to be ready for a new attack. It takes many months of the dedicated pratice to master this weapons. In other word the character must use a weapon profiency slot for it. Until that time it can be used in one of two ways. The wielder may may either use it as a stabbing short sword, ignoring is telescoping ability, or use it as a sort of short range missile weapon. In the latter form, the wielder points and squeze, attempting to impale the target. Either way, the weapon does 1d6 point of dommage. Once proficientthe wielder can combine the two and gain +1 to hit the weapon does 1d10 points per attack.


This dagger look like a normal dagger but act as a flashlance. It does the same dammage then a normal dagger except it could impale it victim for 1d12 of dammage.


At first glance this weapon look like the mancatcher polearm. It is ten feet long with a y joint at the end. The tips of the prongs have hooks pointing in toward the joint, and a spike at the joint pointing toward the target. At the base is a special grip. On a successful attack, the mandibles close around their target, doing 1d6 point of dommage. If the special handle is twisted, the mandible release. If twisted in the other way, they clench even if no target is trapped between them.


This weapon is a spiked club with 1d4+10 spine. Each spine add a point of dommage . Each spine could be removed and throwed each doing 1d3 of dammage. On a critical hit every spine must save vs crushing blows or broke.


These are two, perfectly balanced, identical swords. They can be used to make two attacks per round, one from each, with no penalty, privided the character using them has a dexterity of 16 or above. Those with lesser dexterity cannot wield them. As the procedure for making these is long and complex, they are horrendously expensive. These sword does 1d6+1/1d8


At first apperance, this looks like an ordinary staff. But with a flick of the wrist at the right spot, a blade springs out at either end. It can only be wielded by those with a dexterity of 14 or above. When used to attack, two attacks are gained per round. These attacks are simultainious, and occur with blinding speed. It can also be used to block, subtracting 1 from the users AC. If the character has a dexterity of 17 or greater, it can block and attack in the same round, but with a -1 penalty for both hit rolls. The Spar-Staff is wielded in both hands, striking like a Bo stick.It does 1d4+1/1d4(X2)


This weapons look like a shield (and could be used as one!) cover with some spines. It does only 1d4 of dommage but each time the victim take dammage with this shield he must makea wisdom check or take another 1d4 of dommage ( and roll again a wisdom check!)


This weapon look like a bracer until the handle is twisted. Then a blade come from the bracer and, on a critical hit the victim must make a save vs death magic or died. The blade itself does 1d3/1d2


These small weapons are sphere full of different spores. They can be throw at a target. They burst open on contact and release a cloud of tiny spores. The spores explode in a radius of ten feet and have a potential to affect every breathing creature. There is three kind of spore pods, and the spore contain have a different effect. They cannot be mixed. The effect of the first is irritation. The spores cover living foes and cause them to itch, sneeze and suffer from blurrded vision. When a spore pod open everyone within the effect must make a save vs poison at -1 penality. The second produce sleep spore. The effect last 1d4+1 round. The last act as a poison of strength 30/15.

dagger claws

This kind of dagger is powerfull. When to player sucessfully touch is victim he must make a strength check. If the player misse it the armor take no dammage but the victim takes 1d4+2. but if his check succeed the armor his destroyed.

if you have any comments or strange weapons to submit write me.


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