My Success
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My Success

Ok, go ahead and say it. Yes I was a chubbo baby!! Yep, I was born back when mother's fed their babies till they barfed. Ok, maybe that is a little gross, but true none the less. News for all you parents out there that still think that is ok, it's not ok. You might not realize it, but this is the beginning of a lot of weight problems for people as they grow older. Call me crazy if you choose, but it's the truth!!!

When I was growing up I went through many stages. After being a chubbo baby, I went to being a skinny little kid that looked like she never ate anything. But you can believe that I did eat and I ate a lot!! I was a tomboy so I guess that is what kept me from being obese. But sooner or later all that has to change. I was never taught that if you are full you don't keep eating. I was never taught that if you are going to eat like that you have to keep moving!!

By the time I got in high school, I had already tried just about every diet I could think of. I even remember my mother taking me to a store one time to get clothes and she brought a girdle back to the dressing room and I cried my eyes out that she was going to make me wear this thing. But she changed her mind when she saw me crying, so she's not that bad!!! :-) I was chubby, not fat in high school. I weighed in at about 135, and my total height got to 5'4" tall. I was not into sports at all. In fact, I hated gym class. I was no good at sports and was always the last kid picked, and they still didn't want to pick me for their team!!!

There came a time that I lost weight, however, I couldn't stop losing weight. I knew why it happened and that scared me. It was something that was my own fault, but 16 year olds have been known to do some pretty stupid things.

Something happened to me though. When I reached age 18, I started to gain the weight again. I started trying all the exercise videos and not eating much at all. Bad way to go. You have to get enough nutrients. But you need to be taught how to eat right. This is not something that comes naturally. I was not taught to do that. I even did the Jane Fonda workout, you know way back when they didn't think about back problems caused by certain exercises!! Did the Slim Fast and even a no carb diet. LISTEN UP PEOPLE!!! Before you go on a diet, make sure that it is a diet you can live with the rest of your life. This no carb diet was really bad. I got really sick in fact. You need carbs, do you hear me, you need carbs!!! I went through all the diets, the diet drinks, the diet pills and the don't eat anything diets. They cannot work. Here is why. Even if you lose the weight doing it, you cannot keep the weight off. Once you go back to your old habits what do you think is going to happen?? You are going to gain the weight back, and more than likely more than you had to start with!!!!

I got pregnant with my first child when I was 20 and at that point wasn't really concerned about my weight. When my daughter was born, I weighed 145 pounds, but like I said I wasn't really concerned about that. I had my baby to worry about. Then I figured that since I was going to have another baby that I was not going to bother losing the weight from the first one, because what would the point really be?? You know, it would be a waste of time if I was going to turn around and gain the weight back again. So I went along my merry way, eating my potato chips happily in front of the television set, and let me tell you I loved the Luke and Laura love story and then the Felicia and Frisco story, then the Scotty and Dominique story!! I never bothered to get on the scale, just kept gaining weight and buying bigger clothes, and never even realizing fully just how big I had gotten.

Then I went to a wedding that changed my life. Yep, you heard me right, a wedding that changed my life!! And no silly, it wasn't my wedding it was my cousins. My mother had taken wedding video's and there was a leg shot on there, a very up close leg shot. Amazingly it wasn't my leg. It was someone elses. It was the leg of someone much larger than I was which is amazing in itself. It was when I saw this leg shot that I made up my mind. I am going to lose that weight no matter what!!! And so I set on a journey of diets. I was even walking up to 5 miles a day. Lost a little weight here and there, but nothing drastic enough to count. Then one day I was watching Oprah. She was in the middle of doing her weight loss for life thing and she made a lot of sense. However she had that Rachel Hunter person on there, and I heard that one say something like, if you are thirty or over and had not started to take care of you body, you never would. Well hooty tooty to you Ms. Hunter, but guess what, I did it!!! I have a feeling maybe that might have been a bit of reverse psychology, but I will never know for sure now will I. Anyway, Oprah said a lot of things that made sense. That you have to make changes for the rest of your life, no diets, but a change in your everyday diet that you could live with. Two, you had to exercise too. Ahhhh, hmmm, I don't know if I can do that. We'll work up to that. :-)

I started out by just cutting back on my food. I decided not to even bring potato chips into the house because I had a tendency to eat the whole bag in one sitting. I also decided to only eat till I was full, hmmmm, what a concept huh?? That worked very well. I lost my first large amount of fat that way. I went down from my 188 pounds to 139 and a size 12. But that is where it came to a dead stop. I couldn't lose anymore weight no matter how much I cut back on my food.

That is when I started working out. Killed myself just about, working several hours on the cardio machines. My kids were wondering if they still had a mother. I didn't want to stop and what resulted was me thinking I looked pretty darn good and everyone else telling me that they thought I was anorexic. I didn't see it that way, thought they were crazy or something. But then I went on a field trip with my daughter, and she took the above picture. I was in shock when I saw it. That is what I look like at 122 pounds. I had never been that small, but I was wearing a size 3/4 at that time. I was happy, until I saw that pic!!!

Then I started to lift weights, in a serious way. I didn't want to look anorexic, but I didn't want to get fat again. So I worked myself hard to get where I am now. I am now at about 135 pounds, I am 5'4" and I still wear a size 3/4. I am happy with my accomplishments and if I can help one person along the way with my story, then I have done one more thing that I wasn't even setting out to do at all!!! So there it is my story. See below for my after pics, and let me know what you think ok??

My Favorite Links

Muslce and Fitness Magazine
Shape Magazine--Womens Fitness at its best!!
Shaklee Corporation--Best vitamin and mineral supplements out there!!!
Arnold Fitness Weekend
Get motivated--Maybe this will help you find the motivation you need to get started!!
Fitness Magazines
Your fitness program--Information on how to get started and how to keep going is found here!!
Health Links--Learn body mechanics and how to eat well!!
Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Stretching to enhance your overall fitness

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