For The Missing and Tragic Events Of Children

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These Angels are here to watch over all our Children

In Memory of .......

Kelly Fleming, 16, an aspiring songwriter who wrote poetry, was learning to play the guitar
Dan Rohrbough, 15, helped at his dad's firm. He was shot while helping students flee.
Lauren Townsend, 18, a senior honors student, was captain of the girls' varsity volleyball team.
John Tomlin, 16, went on a missionary trip to Mexico last year to build houses for the poor.
Isaiah Shoels, 18, was due to graduate in May. He wanted to attend an arts college.
Rachel Scott, 17, was active in drama, church. Her brother "played dead" and survived.
William (Dave) Sanders, 47, computer and business teacher. He coached girls' sports.
Matthew Kechter, 16, hoped to be a starter on the football team. He had an A average.
Daniel Mauser, 15, excelled in math and science and had recently earned all A's.
Cassie Bernall, 17, was active in church youth programs and had recently visited Britain.
Corey DePooter, 17, loved to golf, hunt and fish. He got a job to save for a boat.
Steven Curnow, 14, A "Star Wars" and soccer fan who dreamed of being a Navy pilot.
(no picture online available)
Kyle Velasquez, 15 (No other information or picture available)


In so great a loss.... May we all take time to be silent and pray.

A Prayer....
So many lives, For reasons unknown Have ended with tragedy. The Student, The Athlete... The Thinker, The Do-er In a day unlike another In a place where knowledge is held Where friends are kept Where people seem safe Not one but many lives were taken, Dreams were shattered Hopes were lost... And safety unwound A world of Prayers are held for the one, For the many For the families For ye who is touched by the disaster I, as a single holder of prayer, Can do but little except pray. Can look to god for the safety of the others and give my condolences. Let it be known of the lives that were taken Young students, young dreams. Innocence on this day has been shattered. And because of this I write Let all who read this take a moment, To think, To stop and pray For the many families... For those who witnessed the unthinkable... And for those who can no longer live for what they dreamed of.... Our hearts go out to those families and young men and women Cursed by this plague of violence... I, as an individual, send my heart out to those students. And hope that many others can do the same.

Derek Cromwell, A Michigan Resident in Prayer

With Heartfelt Love for Littleton, Colo.

Colorado Victims Memorial

A Tragedy has Struck America.

As we mourn the deaths of thousands of victims, we need to pray and keep in our hearts the 266 plane passengers, 800 plus pentagon employees, and the uncounted victims in New York. What happened was a heinous and violent act not only against the United States, but against all mankind and God. And though we will search for a reason why this happened, we will never understand why someone would commit such a crime against their fellow man. But we can pray for every soul that has been touched by this terrorist act, for all of those who were killed, for all of those who were wounded, and for all of those who lost someone they love. And we can pray for this country in hopes that such a day will never be written into our history books again. May God bless the victims, their families, and America.