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Season Four



Carol: Actually, it's a myth about doctors and nurses dating so much. I know more nurses who date cops, fireman, paramedics...
(Doug comes from behind and cracks his neck and everyone laughs)
Doug: I'm sorry, I need a nurse in three.
Carol: What? (to Doug; smiling)
Doug: Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do. (on Ricky Ricardo accent) What's all this about cops and firemen?
Carol: Huh, Jealous?
Doug: Jealous! I just want to know what your doing for them that your not doing for me?
Carol: Ooh, I'll tell you later if you bring the cuffs.
Doug: I thought I was going to get some sleep tonight.
Carol: Don't count on it.

Something New

(in bed; Carol wakes up)
Carol: Doug?
Doug: Ketchup or tabasco? (walks in with a tray; Carol looks confused) On your scrambled eggs...You want something some people consider a vegetable, or you wanna to go with something a little more daring?...You thought I left, didn't you?
Carol: No, I didn't.
Doug: Yes you did.
Carol: I really didn't...OK I did, but you did leave technically.
Doug: That doesn't count. If you woke up a little earlier, you would of seen me here sound asleep.
Carol: Well, some habits die hard.
Doug: Like you sleeping in.
Carol: Like you not being there in the morning.
Doug: Ahh, that's an old habit. (sits down on the bed beside her and gives her the tray; tucks a napkin in her shirt for a bib)
Carol: Wow. Thank you.
Doug: Mmm. OK. I have to talk to you about something.
Carol: Oh, Doug not another serious conversation.
Doug: You used to say we didn't communicate...
Carol: Well, now we're communicating a little too much.
Doug: Can I have a drawer?
Carol: *laughing* What?
Doug: A drawer...Something you keep your clothes in. Something that I can keep my clothes in.
Carol: You never wanted a drawer before.
Doug: That's because I always got up and left. Now that I am staying here...Can I just have one place to keep a new shirt, a nice pair of socks...underwear..,
Carol: You know, you could always wash your boxers out in the sink... they'd be dry by morning.
Doug: (kissing Carol, and placing the breakfast tray to the side) Oh my....

(Doug is sitting on Carol's porch steps)
Carol: Are they closed?
Doug: Closed.
Carol: Keep them closed.
Doug: I said they were closed.
Carol: (placing the large gift on his lap) Open it..Very delicate Doug.
Doug:(opens it) Now that's a drawer......You know what?..I love this drawer..Come here you...Agh, you know what? I love sitting out here on the porch with you...It's something...
Carol: Something new.
Doug: Something new...Nice drawer.
(They both laugh, then kiss)

Friendly Fire

(Carol get's out of Doug's car)
Doug: Hey..Wait! Hold it..Hold it!(getting out and giving her her bag).
Carol: Thanks.
Doug: It's 5 minutes by car.
Carol: 15 minutes by the "L". You're not enjoying this?
Doug: No, should I?
Carol: Doug, it a secret romance. Isn't that what sells bad novels?,/blockquote> Doug: We shouldn't be a bad novel.
Carol: That's my train. (kisses him on the cheek, then rubs the lipstick off)
Doug: Oh yeah, get that. See you at work.

Doug: (Talking to a little boy with a hernia) Alright buddy, now we're gonna fix you up. But first thing we gotta do is stand you-on your head. Kinda wierd huh?
Elizabeth: I like your technique.
Doug: Cranking the bed?
Elizabeth: No, with children. You're so at ease with them.
Doug: Well, that's where I spend most of my time.
Elizabeth: All your time? Well that's certainly dedication. I come to crave a bit of leisure.
Doug: It's not all work and no play. How you doin' there big guy?
Elizabeth: So, when one plays, where does one play? I mean here in Chicago.
(Carol walks in and hands Doug an ice pack)
Doug: Alright, now I know you can take the pain, now let's see if you can take a little cold. Ah, what a guy! Let's just wait and see huh?
Elizabeth: So you were about to tell me how to unwind or perhaps you'd like to show me. That's if you're up for playing vigil to my dante. (smiles)
(Carol looks at Doug)
Doug: Uh, um, nothing really somes to mind, uh...
Carol: (walking out, looking upset) I have a patient to see.
Elizabeth: Well, if you think of a place, I'd like to invite you.
Doug: Um, I'm, involved with someone
Elizabeth: Not a problem! Bring her along!

Doug: Carol, hey... (trying to catch up with her) I know what your thinking and your wrong.
Carol: I'm busy.
Doug: I'll just follow you around until we work this out.
Carol: Why follow mw, why not follow her?
Doug: If I didn't have to do this secrecy thing....
Carol: I think this secrecy thing works for you just fine.
Doug: I didn't flirt with her.
Carol: No, she just asked you out, because she likes the way you hold an ice pack.
Doug: I told her that I was attached. I couldn't say who I was attached with..I couldn't say that Carol hathaway was my...
Carol: I'm your what?
Doug: Come here....I'm here with you and I wana be here with you because I want to be with you. I foyu don't trust me, this isn't gonna work out.
Carol: I have a lot of things to do.
Doug: I'll be at the "L".

(Doug waits for Carol at the "L", but dosen't see her. He turn aroud looking upset, and begins to leave.)
Carol: Doug. (runs and gives him a hug from behind and a kiss)
Doug: (laughing)I have prepared a very elaborate arguement...Does this mean I don't need it?
Carol: I already had an arguement with myself.
Doug: I hope there was no name calling involved.(Doug puts his arm around Carol)
Carol: No, it was very civil...You won.
Doug: So,I do better when I'm not there. (they kiss again)
Carol: Yeah...This time.
Doug: So you trust me?
Carol: Yeah...This time.
Doug: Hey you keeping score?
Carol: Yeah....Your ahead.
Doug: Im sorry..What?

When The Bough Breaks
Carol: (Rollerblades over to Doug who's sitting on a bench trying to put his blades on) How's it going Doug? Need some duct tape?
Doug: (Trying to put his blades on) So is that what this is? An ego check?
Carol: No no no no no, this is about spending time together.
Doug: Well, I can think of better activities.
Carol: I like to keep you a little off balance.
Doug: Sorry to dissapoint you Carol, but... (Stands up and shakily tries to get his balance) you underestimate me!
Carol: I don't think so.
Doug: It's easy. It's like ice skating.
Carol: Until you have to stop.
Doug: (Slowly moves down the sidewalk and Carol goes with him) Ah! That's what lamp posts are for.
Carol: Doug, your helmet. (tries to put it on his head)
Doug: Uh uh, no. No helmet.
Carol: Safety first.
Doug: No no no! You're not wearing a helmet.
Carol: I know what I'm doing. (still trying to put it on his head)
Doug: No! It'll mess up the 'do!
Carol: (laughing) And you wear that on purpose?
Doug: Just skate Tonya. *smiling*
Carol: Alright Mr.Crash.
Doug: Crash? I'm not gonna cra-

(Carol walks over to Connie where she just finished fixing up a bump on Doug's head)
Carol:Ouch, what happened?
Connie: Sports injury. He won't be specific.
Doug: (Puts the ice pack on his head as Carol and him walk to the nurses' station)
Carol: Testosterone injury?
Doug: He who laughs last laughs hardest.
Carol: (smiling) I'll remember that.

Good Touch, Bad Touch
(Doug's fiddling with a viedo camera aimed at Carol who's laying on the bed with a glass of wine)
Doug: Alright you ready?
Carol: Yeah, I'm ready if you are.
Doug: If I am. This was your idea....Hang on. (gets up and adjusts the camera again)
Carol: Doug, I was kidding. I didn't think you would actually go out and rent equipment.
Doug: You talked about this fantasy years ago.
Carol: I did not....Did I? (Doug lies on the bed beside her)
Doug: Actually I think you accused me of taping myself with various 20 year olds.
Carol: Oh, that was harsh.
Doug: Yeah.
Carol: Was I right?
Doug: No... You see all this stuff... (they kiss) I did it because I want to make you happy.
Carol: Really... You did all this for me?
Doug: I'd do anything for you... (they kiss again)

Ground Zero

(Carol hands Doug a bag, they're standing next to his car)
Carol: I wish you'd wait and leave tomorrow.
Doug: I just want to get on with it.
Carol: least let me drive you to the airport.
Doug: Nah, I'll just leave the car in parking and pick Mark up on the way.
Carol: I'm glad he's going with you.
Doug: Yeah, it's probably a good idea for him to get out of town for a while.
(Carol leans in the passanger window)
Carol: I'm gonna miss you. (sounding almost surprised)
Doug: (looking Carol straight in the eyes) I love you Carol.
Carol: (when Doug is already down the street) I love you too...

Fathers and Sons

Doug (on the phone): Hey Carol, it's Doug. I was hoping to catch you before you went to work. We're here in Barstow still. We're cleaning up. And I was just thing about you, wishing you were here. I just miss ya... I just wish you were here is all. (sees Mark walk in) So, I'll call you tommorow, bye.
Mark: Who was that?
Doug: Somebody I've been seeing for the past couple of months.
Mark: Couple of months, that sounds serious. Doug: Do you want any of these ties before I give them to good will?
Mark: I only wear ties to work...So, is it anyone I know?
Doug: (avioding the question)Got a nice suit here. I got an Armani, I beleive it's double breasted.
Mark: You don't want to tell me who it is.
Doug: I had a set of clubs here somewhere.
Mark: Why is it that you don't want to tell me who it is?
Doug: Because I don't.
Mark: It's not my ex-wife is it?
Doug: No, it's not Jennifer.
Mark: Cynthia, your not, are you?
Doug: No, and neither should you.
Mark: Genie..Chuni..Anna...
Doug: Are you planning on naming everyone who works in the hospital?
Mark: She dosn't work in the hospital?
Doug: It's Carol.
Mark: (shocked) What?
Doug: Carol Hathaway. Your mouths open.
Mark: I'm speechless.
Doug: Well, I'm relieved.
Mark: You two got back together?
Doug: She didn't want me talking about it because she didn't want it out at work. Now you are sworn to secrecy.
Mark: Co-whoa! She, she swore she would never get back together with you after last time! (Walks around the room in amazement)
Doug: Things change.
Mark: (Still walking around in amazement) Wow!
Doug: You know, it's not that amazing. (smiling)
Mark: Wow!
Doug: You can stop saying 'wow'.
Mark: I can't believe it!
Doug: You said that.
Mark: I'm happy for you. That's great.
Doug: Good, thanks buddy.
Mark: (Chuckles a little) I mean after what happened last time, I can't believe it!
Doug: Yeah, well thanks. (smiles)
Mark: Does she make you take a lie detector test every week or something?

Mark: What are you thinking about Doug?
Doug: ...Carol... I'm in love with her... Ya know I used to think I knew what love was. I cared about a lot of woman I just don't think I've ever really been in love. I think about her all the time, I don't like it when I'm not with her, I don't want to be with anybody else. That's love, isn't it?
Mark: Ya, that's love.

Freak Show
Mark: You know that meant a lot to Doug, you showing up like that.
Carol: It meant a lot to me too.
Mark: Oh, I almost forgot...I found this when I unpacked.
Carol: CH?
Mark: Yeah, Carol Hathaway. It's from DR.
Carol: Did you read it?(laughing)
Mark: No, but I was tempted.
Carol: Uh, huh.

Obstruction of Justice
Chuni: I thought Doug was coming back today.
Carol: Ahh... he called, his car broke down...I mean here, he called here.

Carol: (very excited) Hey Doug....( noticing a crowd around her, she calms down, trying to act normal) How are you?
Doug:I'm gonna get to work on all these. I guess it's good to see all of you...(looking at Carol).

Mark: Listen, I'd like you to see a depressed anhedonic girl, complaining of loss of appetite and insomnia.
Doug: Uh, huh.
Mark: She's in exam room 3.
Doug: Psyche take a look at her?
Mark: I'd like you to evaluate her first.
Malik: Good to see you Doc.
Doug: I feel like I never left.....Hey...
(Doug enters the room, finding only Carol in it)
Carol: (smiles) What?
Doug: Mark Greene...Come here you...(Carol walks over to him and they kiss) So now you've had a loss of appetite and insomnia because of me? (they kiss again)
Carol: I'm surprised I lived.(smiling)
Doug: Sounds serious.
Carol: Uh huh...Shut up and kiss me.
Doug: OK.(they start kissing again)
Cynthia: (interupting them) Oops. Excuse me.
Doug: Uh huh.
(Cynthia leaves and they start making out again)

Do You See What I See?
(Carol tries to wake Doug, who was sleeping in an isolation room) Carol: (whispering) Doug, hey, it's time to get up.
Doug: (groans)
Carol: (kisses him) Hmmm...
Doug: A few more minutes.
Carol: Uh-uh. (kisses him again) You have to get up now, your shift's over. You've got all day.
Doug: (sits up) What time is it?
Carol: It's 6:10. How was your night? (sits down next to him on the bed)
Doug: I hate night shifts, did you get tomorrow off?
Carol: Not, yet..Did you get tonight off?
Doug: No, I owe too many shifts, Christmas Eve's gonna cost me double.
Carol: This is so unfair.
Doug: Yeah, well, flex your muscle. You make the nurses schedule.
Carol: Yeah, which is why I get stuck with it."Carol can work Christmas she dosen't have a life"...They don't even feel guilty about it.
Doug: Make them feel guilty about it.
Carol: Now that's the Christmas spirit.
Doug: Tell them about us, this is stupid. (gets up and walks to the door; turns to look at Carol) I'm not going anywhere. You know that.
Carol: I know.(Doug turns and then looks at her again) I know.

(Carol enters the doctors lounge and looks around to make sure it's just Doug inside)
Carol: Hello. (kisses Doug; they put their arms around each other)
Doug: Hey, good day?
Carol: Well, it ended good. Guess who got tomorrow off?
Doug: So, you flexed a little muscle, did ya?
Carol: Well, I had to give up New Year's, but I figured it was worth it.
Doug: Oh no. (smiling)
Carol: What?
Doug: (sighing) I volunteered to work for Anna tomorrow.
Carol: She's an intern!
Doug: I thought maybe we'd spend more time together then.
Carol: You didn't. (angry)
Doug: No, I didn't. That's a lie.
Carol: Oh God! (slaps him playfully on the arm)
Doug: Would've been romantic though.
Carol: Well yeah...
Doug: Your looking at me...what?
Carol: Come here.

Carol: (holding Doug's hand) Can I have your attention everybody? Can I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. Can you turn down that music. OK, I kept this secret too long...Doug Ross and I are seeing each other again.
Malik: Yeah?
Carol: ...and we're very happy.
Conni: Ok pay up, pay up.
Chuni: I was a week too late, I thought New Years for sure.
Lydia: Yeah, I'm surprised they kept it a secret this long.
Carol: You knew?
Randi: Please honey, it was obvious.
Kerry: I didn't know.(smiles)
Anna: Neither did I.
Doug: Maybe, uh, something that you guys didn't know, uh, that, uh, we've been seeing each other for a little while now, again, and, uh, I thought it would be great if she were to marry me. (Carol looks at him, shocked; everyone cheers; Doug looks nervous) Talk her into it, help me talk her into it.
Chuni: (toasting)To Doug and Carol. Get it right this time. Carter: Yeah..Here here..Hear hear. Carol: You always have to out-do me, don't you? Doug: Well, I had the opportunity and I took it. Carter: Congratulations..I'm so happy for both of you. Doug: Thank you Dr. Carter. Carol: Thank you.(they kiss) Doug: gonna stick around till I get off. Carol: Hell no. (smiles)

Think Warm Thoughts
(Doug's lying on Carol's couch reading a magazine; Carol comes down the stairs)
Carol: I'll be back around six. Have you seen my gloves?
Doug: I got an idea. Why don't we set a date?
Carol: Doug, I gotta be at the clinic at nine. You wanna quit joking with me?
Doug: I'm not jokin'.
Carol: (still trying to find her gloves) I'm halfway out the door, you wanna start talking about a date now?
Doug: You're right, we got all the time in the world to do it. (reaches behind him and pulls out her gloves) Oh, oh, what are these?
Carol: (walks over to him and gets the gloves) What is up with you? (takes a ring measurer out of the gloves) What is that? Doug...
Doug: (sits up as Carol sits down beside him on the couch) See, I just wanted to get a quick size here. I'm gonna get you a rock that'll knock your eye out. (takes the ring measurer from Carol and starts measuring her finger)
Carol: Doug, I don't need a ring.
Doug: Well, we should make it real.
Carol: A ring doesn't make it real. It's real because we say it's real.
Doug: Oh, you do wanna marry me right?
Carol: (kisses him on the cheek) Of course I want to marry you! I've already done the whole ring, (keeps kissing him as she pushes him back down on the couch) and the setting the date....blah blah blah blah blah.
(Dougs chuckling; Carols lying on top of Doug on the couch)
Carol: That's not what I want. I am so happy right now. (she kisses him) This is so perfect right now. Why can't we just be two people who are gonna get married?
Doug: (kisses her) Cheap date.
Carol: Mmm-hmm.

(Carol's working and sees her mom come in)
Carol: Ma, what are you doing here?
Mom: Doug Ross came to see me this morning.
Carol: What?
Mom: To ask for your hand in marriage.
Carol: What? (smiling)
Mom: He said he wanted my permission. He was very polite. Please tell me that this is a joke.
Carol: It's not a joke, Ma.
Mom: Well, how long have you been seeing him?
Carol: Eight months.
Mom: And when were you planning to tell me?
Carol: When the time was right.
Mom: So you intend to marry him?
Carol: At some point, yes.
Mom: At some point? See, even you know this'll never happen!
Carol: Mom, we'll talk about this later, ok?
Mom: I was there to take care of you the last time he broke your heart!
Carol: He's not gonna break my heart.
Mom: Men like him don't change.
Carol: Ma, what did you say to him?
Mom: I told him nothing. I came to see you.

(leaving a message for Doug on their answering machine)
Carol: Doug, pick up. Doug, it's me. Ok listen, I don't know where the hell you are but as soon as you get this, you call me right away. You can run but you cannot hide.

Chuny: Carol, Doug Ross on Line 2.
Carol: (picks up phone) Doug? Guess who stopped by?...My mom...Yeah, (sigh) what, are you on drugs?...No, I just would've like to have told her myself...(smiles) How do you think she's reacting?...(somethings wrong with her patient)...Doug, I gotta go I'll call you back...

Carol: ...He can't handle them all by himself.
Cynthia: Oh, Dr.Ross came in. I think he thinks you're mad at him.
(Carol smiles)

(walks into a room where Doug is working)
Carol: Thanks for coming in today.
Doug: My pleasure. It's amazing what you've done here.
Carol: Really?
Doug: Yeah, five shifts a week, the clinic. It makes a difference.
Carol: I'm sorry I yelled at you over the phone. (smiles at him)
(Doug laughs a little)
Carol: I'm actually glad you spoke to my mom. It's a relief. I don't know what I was waiting for.
Doug: The other shoe to drop.
Carol: (smiling) Dumb, huh?
Doug: You off?
Carol: (sighs) I have to wait on a psych consult. It might take a while.
Doug: (whispering) I'll wait.
(they smile at eachother)


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