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A Best Friend For A Special Day

*All of the characters in my fanfictions (Except Brian) are the property of ER, Warner Bros., NBC, whatever.. I am not profiting in any way from them. I just write these stories for my own enjoyment, and for Doug and Carol fans like me to read.

*If you have any questions or comments, email me at

My Stories

1.) A Long Awaited Gift
2.) Great Things Yet to Come
In the previous stories- Doug had gone to Seattle and Carol found out she was pregnant. When she told Doug, he flew out to Chicago for two weeks. During that time he proposed to her and this time, it's for real. Carol has asked Elizabeth to be her maid of honor, and Jeanie, Haleh and Chuny to be bridesmaids. Doug has asked Carter, Peter, Malik, and Carol's cousin Brian to be ushers. Mark is his Best Man.
Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'
They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together, still going strong
(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss goodnight.
----You're Still the One, Shania Twain
It was May 20. Doug was back in Seattle. He was coming back to Chicago on May 31. He would be staying until the January. That way Carol would get to spend one last Christmas in Chicago, with her family. He had found a temporary job over at mercy that he would keep until himself, Carol, and the baby went to Seattle in January.
That morning, Carol was in a hurry. She was going for a fitting of her wedding dress, along with Elizabeth, Jeanie, Chuny, and Haleh. She was just about to walk out the door when the phone rang. She picked it up and before she could say Hello she heard.
"How are you and the baby?"
She knew instantly it was Doug.
"We're both great Doug. But, there is something I need to talk to you about."
"What?" he asked sounding worried. "Is something wrong with the baby?"
"No Doug. I just told you we were both great but, I'm gonna be 4 months soon. I'm starting to show and people are becoming suspicious. We need to start telling people."
"Yeah, I guess we should. Tell you what. You tell anyone you want- except your mother. I want to be there when you tell her. She hates me and I can't wait to see the reaction I'm gonna get out of her when we tell her. Ok?"
"You love to torture my mom don't you?" Carol said laughing.
"Hey, now that's what I call entertainment."
"Yeah, ok Doug. But I've really gotta go. I've got a fitting and I'm running late. I'll call later ok?"
"Sure. Love you."

"Love you to Doug."
"Oh, and Carol. Tell the baby I love him or her."
"I'll tell the baby, but it already knows."
Carol hung up the phone and looked at her watch. It was 10:41. Her appointment was at 11:00. She ran out to the car, hoping to make it on time.
She arrived at the bridal shop just in time. As she walked through the door, it was 11:00 on the dot. Elizabeth, Chuny, Haleh, and Jeanie were already there. All 4 were already in their gowns and being measured.
"You all look beautiful!" exclaimed Carol.
The 4 women all stepped down from their stands and walked over to carol. Their gowns, which were a beautiful turquoise and reached just above the floor, fit each of them perfectly.
"Carol, I can't thank you enough for not choosing peach or pink for these gowns.," said Haleh.
"Well, I can always change that." carol joked.
"Don't you even joke about that girl." laughed Chuny.
Suddenly a woman came out and asked Carol, "Are you ready for your fitting?"
"What? Oh yeah, uh, just give me a minute."
She turned back to her 4 friends and realized she had to tell them about the baby. It was now or never.
"Hey, guys. There's something I need to tell you." Carol said, smiling.
"What?" asked Jeanie.
"I, I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed.
Jeanie, Chuny, and Haleh all screamed excitedly. Elizabeth smiled and gave her a hug (since she already knew)
Each of the women were full of questions.
"How far along are you?" asked Chuny.
"When are you due?" asked Haleh.
"Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" Jeanie asked.
Carol, who was beaming looked at the floor, looked up again and said,
"I'm almost 4 months, my due date is November 20, and Doug and I don't know the sex yet."
"4 months!" exclaimed Chuny. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"Doug and I, we wanted to be sure everything was ok before we started telling everyone."
"So, have you guys thought of any names yet?" Jeanie asked.
"Oh god, only about 500." laughed Carol.
"Well Carol, I think you are really going to need that fitting now." laughed Elizabeth.
(That same time period, only at Mark's house)
Mark was on the phone with Doug, discussing the last minute details of the surprise Doug had planned for Carol. Doug had contacted Susan Lewis (one of Carol's best friends) out in Phoenix. He had arranged for Susan, and little Susie (whom Susan now has full custody of) to fly for Chicago for the wedding. Susan was going to be a bridesmaid, and little Susie was going to be the flower girl. It was perfect. Carol had been crushed when they couldn't find a flowergirl. Now they had one.
"So Doug, Susan and Susie are arriving at 5:15pm today right?" asked Mark
"Yeah, after they arrive, bring them by the hospital. Be sure you're there by 6:00. That's when I'll be calling Carol. Everyone in the ER knows about this already. Ok?"
"Doug, don't worry. Everything is set. I pick up Susan and Susie, we head over to the ER, you will call at 6:00, we will get Carol, and out will pop Susan and Susie. Don't worry."
"Ok, ok. Uh... Mark, do you think this is a good idea? You know, this surprise on top of the wedding. Do you think it's ok with Carol being pregnant and everything?"
"Why not? She doesn't seem all that stressed. She's actually having a lot of fun planning the wedding."
"Ok. Thanks Mark." said Doug. "Listen, I gotta get back to work. Ok. I'll be calling later."
"Got it Doug. Now go and save some kids."
In his office, Doug hung up the phone and picked up two pictures he had on his desk. One of the sonogram, and one of Carol.
"I love you Carol" he said, holding the pictures close, "and I love you too little one."
Later that day, everyone was at work. The word had spread about Carol's pregnancy and everyone was offering his or her congratulations.
"Hey Kerry, where's Mark?" Carol asked Kerry, walking up to the admit desk. "His patient in 2 has been waiting half an hour for x-ray to come."
"Oh, uh, he had to run somewhere. I'll go see what I can do." she said, taking the patients chart.
"Yeah, ok." Carol said, giving Kerry a funny look as she walked away.
Carol headed toward the lounge to get a cup of coffee. On her way there she saw Chuny, Haleh, Connie, and malik all huddled in a group. Every so often, one of them would look up at Carol, and then turn away.
"Why is everyone acting so strange?" she thought.
"Is the coast clear?" Mark asked Haleh.
"Yeah, hurry!"
Mark, Susan and little Susie rushed into the lounge, followed by Haleh, Elizabeth, and Connie.
Haleh and Connie each hugged Susan, welcoming her back and Elizabeth and Susan introduced themselves to each other.
"Where's Carol?" asked Mark.
"Weaver just sent her to radiology to pick-up something for her. She'll be back by Christmas." Connie joked.
"God, she's gotten so big Susan." said Haleh, looking at little Susie who was sitting on the floor, playing Barbie dolls.
"Yeah, she looks more like Chloe everyday."
Carter ran into the lounge and announced
"Doug's on the phone."
"I'll go talk to him." said Mark, leaving the lounge.
"So Susan, did Doug send you your and Susie's dresses?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yes, they're beautiful. They are out in Mark's car."
Just then Carter rushed back in.
"Carol's coming!"
"Ok, uh, Susan and Susie. Stay here with Haleh and Connie. Carter and I will go get Carol." Elizabeth said, walking out of the room.
Elizabeth, Carter, Chuny, Mark, and Kerry gathered around the phone as Carol walked up.
"Hey Carol, Doug's on the phone." said Mark, handing her the phone.
Carol took the phone from him and gave everyone a look like, "Why are you all standing here? Don't you have something else to do?"
"Doug?" she said into the phone.
"Hey carol, I've got a surprise for you." said Doug teasingly.
"What kind of surprise?"
"A good one. In the lounge. Follow Mark ok? They've got me on speakerphone in the lounge so I'll be able to hear your reaction."
"Yeah, ok." she agreed, sounding puzzled. She put down the phone and Mark covered her eyes. He led her toward the lounge as everyone followed. Once they were in the lounge, Mark removed his hands and,
"Susan!" Carol cried, running to her and hugging her. "What are you doing here?"
"Doug called and told me about the wedding and baby. He asked me if I would be a bridesmaid and Susie, the flowergirl. He sent the dresses, plane tickets, everything. Besides, how could I miss one of my best friend's wedding?"
"Oh Susan." Carol sobbed. "Thank you."
"Hey no problem." she replied, hugging Carol again.
"Mark handed Carol the phone and motioned to everyone it was time to leave. Only Carol, Susan, and little Susie stayed.
"Doug" Carol sobbed into the phone. "Thank you."
"I'm glad you're happy sweetie. I love you."
"I love you too Doug."
"I'll call you later tonight, ok?"
"Yeah. I'll be waiting." she replied and hung up.
Carol went back over to the couch where Susan was sitting with little Susie.
"Susan, she's gotten so big." said Carol.
"Yeah. God, last time you saw her she was only 1."
"I can't believe it's been 3 years."
"Me either."
Then, little Susie interrupted the 2 women. She looked up at Carol and said,
"My mommy said you're gonna have a baby."
"Well your mommy is right." said Carol, smiling at Susan.
"And I'm gonna be flowergirl at your wedding too." little Susie said, climbing into Carol's lap.
"Yup, and I bet you're gonna look very pretty in your new dress, right?" Carol said, playing with Susie's hair.
"Mommy said I look like a princess in my dress." Susie said looking at Susan. "Right mommy?"
"That's right." said Susan, tickling little Susie's feet.
"So, how about later when we go back to my house, you can show me how pretty you look in your dress?" Carol asked.
"Ok," agreed Susie happily.
Carol and Susan exchanged smiles as Susie climbed back onto the floor to play Barbie's.
"Hey Susie, can I play with you?" Carol asked.
"Yeah! You can be this Barbie" Susie said, handing her a doll with brown hair. "And mommy can be this one." she said, handing Susan a doll with black hair. "and I'll be Barbie."
Carol and Susan got down on the floor with Susie, and they all began playing Barbie's.
Done! This one took me a little longer than usual. Sorry for the wait. I hope you all liked it. The fourth part should be done by tomorrow. Please send me all feedback, good or bad! It's what keep's me writing!- DougandCarol@hotmail.