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The Long Awaited Gift

*All of the characters in my fanfictions are the property of ER, Warner Bros, NBC, whatever.. I am not profiting in any way from them. I just write these stories for my own enjoyment, and for Doug and Carol fans like me to read.

*If you have any questions or comments, email me at

Like the seasons, Ever changing
Everlasting, baby like you and I.
It's going to be all right.
But when my sky clouds over.
Lift me up. When the day is over
Take me up. When the sun is going down.
Show me love. I will be your angel now.
Lift me up. When the lights are fading.
Take me down. When I'm flying way up high.
Show me love, and I'll be your angel for life.
Your angel for life.

- Geri Halliwell 'Lift Me Up'.

It was March 10. The ER was unusually quiet. So far there had been a wrist fracture and a baby with the flu. The staff stood around, bored to death. Jerry and Malik were busy trying to beat Mark's high score on a game on the computer. Elizabeth had run to the cafeteria for a bite to eat. Kerry and Mark were busy discussing whether or not they should hire a new Peds attending. Carol heard them discussing this. It made her sick to think about, so she too went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Then there was Carter. He was staring into space while his student, Lucy sat fooling around with her medical computer (a.k.a. her electronic cheat sheet).

In the cafeteria, Elizabeth and Carol sat down together. Carol looked depressed and lost.

"Carol, are you ok?" Elizabeth asked.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine." She replied.

"You're thinking about Doug aren't you?"

"Well, yes. I just can't believe he left. I miss him so much. I just keep thinking he left because of me."

"Carol, you know that's not true. Doug loves you more than anything." Elizabeth said, sipping her coffee.

"I know he loves me. And I know he had to leave, but it still doesn't seem fair. To him, or me. I mean, we were so happy, we were trying to have a baby. Now it's all gone."

"It is not all gone. You two agreed that you would stay together. You agreed that you would visit. And I'll bet anything you two will live hapily ever after with as many children as you could ever want!."

"You know Elizabeth. You are really great to talk to. I don't know if I believe it all, but it's good to listen to what you have to say" Carol said starting to laugh. "I know that we will see each other soon. I just wish we could still see each other everyday."


2 days later the ER was much busier. The cases were not all that exciting. But it gave the doctors and nurses something to do.

"Isn't flu season suppose to be ending?" asked Carter. "I've had 9 patients today and 8 of them had the flu."

"Me too. I've had 6 cases today." commented Mark. "I guess not many people had their flu shots this year."

Maybe that's what I've got, Carol thought. She had all of the symptoms. Nausea, headaches, insomnia, she was light-headed. But she thought, it might be something else. Actually, she was almost positive it was something else. She was just to scared to come to terms with the facts. Or to take the test. She needed to talk to someone, and right now, that someone was not Doug.

Later that afternoon, Carol found herself in the bathroom, holding the pregnancy test Doug had bought 5 months ago. She knew that she had to take it. She knew if it came out positive, she would need to see her OB, she would need to prepare for the new arrival, but most importantly. She would have to tell Doug.

"It's now or never" she whispered to herself.

After taking it she read the back of the box. It said that the results would take 3 minutes. If it were positive she would see a pink line, if it were negative she would see a blue line. She could not stand there looking at it. It made her too nervous. She had to walk away. She was hoping in her heart it would be positive. She wanted a baby more than anything. But she wanted a baby with Doug. She didn't want to be a single mom.

"God, if it's positive please, please let Doug still want the baby as much as I do." she prayed.

Carol looked at the clock. 4 minutes had gone by. She walked to the bathroom and took a deep breath. She picked up the pregnancy test and held it with both hands. There was a bright pink line in the screen. As soon as she saw the line a tear rolled down her face.

"I'm pregnant" she whispered. "I'm pregnant".

How am I ever going to tell Doug? She thought. She wanted to tell him in person but he hadn't planned to come out until June. By that time she would be at least 3 months. She could tell him over the phone but that didn't seem special enough. This was a big thing. They had waited a long time for this baby and she had to let him know about it in the right way. Then it hit her. As she stared at the pregnancy test she knew exactly how she would tell him. She was going to mail the test to him along with a card, and an ultrasound picture as soon as she got one.


9 days Carol found herself sitting in the waiting room of her OB/GYN's office. She looked around and felt a sudden burst of excitement. This was really happening. She was going to have a baby.

"Carol Hathaway?" the receptionist called.

"Right here" Carol replied following her to an exam room.

"The doctor will be here in a few minutes. But first I need to ask you a few questions."

"Sure." Carol replied.

"Do you have a history of any medical problems?"

'Nope. Nothing."

"What about the father?"

"No. I don't think so," she said trying to think if Doug had any kind of medical problems.

"Are you on any kind of medication, or have you ever used illegal drugs?"

"No. Neither has the father."

"Ok. Great." Said the nurse smiling. Change into your gown and the doctor will be in shortly."

Carol changed into the gown and sat on the exam table. She looked around at the posters on the wall. The posters of the growth and development of a baby. She had seen these posters hundreds of times at work, but they had so much more meaning now. Just then the door opened and Dr. McLucis walked in.

"Well, Carol, I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Neither was I really" she joked.

"So, you and Doug have been trying for a baby for about 5 months with no luck. Then as soon as he leaves, you find out your pregnant."

"Yes. That's the way it happened." Carol said with a small smile.

"Well, why don't we take a look?"

Dr. McLucis lifted Carol's gown up and turned on the ultrasound. She placed it on Carol's stomach and began moving it around.

"yup. There it is," she said pointing to a small spot on the screen."

"The baby." Said Carol.

"The baby. And a good strong heartbeat" Dr. McLucis replied.

She turned the machine off and asked Carol to sit up. She gave her 2 pictures of the sonogram.

One for you and one for Doug" She said with a smile. "And if you like, I can make a copy of the sonogram tape so you can send one to him."

'That'd be great" said Carol smiling.

"Why don't you get dressed while I make the copy?" Dr. McLucis said walking out of the room.

As Carol got dressed, she stared at the pictures. There's our baby she thought. She imagined what it would be like 7 months from then. Hopefully Doug would be there. It would be the three of them, like it was planned.

When she was dressed she walked into Dr. McLucis' office. She sat while Dr. McLucis played the tape over for her. Looking at it make Carol cry. She took both copies and left. She couldn't wait any longer. She needed to send the box. The sooner, the better.

On the way home she stopped at the stationary store. She looked through racks of cards until she found the perfect one. It was a simple card. On the front there was a picture of a baby boy, and a baby girl. Then on the inside there was plenty of room to write. While she was waiting in line to pay, she spotted a coffee mug. There were a few drawings of babies on it and in big blue and pink letters it read.

"Congratulations Daddy!" She knew it would be perfect so she paid for it with the card.

When she got home she found a box that everything would fit in. She put the pregnancy test in a jewelry box made for a necklace or bracelet. She wrapped the mug in bubble wrap and did the same with the videotape of the ultrasound. She put everything in the box making sure to stick the pregnancy test on top. She taped a small piece of paper to the pregnancy test that read "open first". She then filled the card out. In it she wrote.


I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this news in person. But I thought that waiting that long would be wrong. I thought you would want to know as soon as possible. I wanted to call but was afraid of what you, or I might say. Please call as soon as you get this.

We love you,

Carol and Baby. XXOO

PS. In case you haven't figured it out, I'm 6 weeks and due in Late November.

She put in ultrasound picture in the card, sealed the envelope and placed it next to the pregnancy test. She closed the box and brought it to the post office. She wanted Doug to get it as soon as possible so she sent it overnight.

"Please, please let him be as excited about this baby as I am" Carol prayed as she drove home.


The next morning Carol woke up with morning sickness. As she had for the past few days. The thing was, it wasn't just morning sickness. The baby didn't seem to know when it was morning and when it wasn't. But she dragged herself out of bed and got ready for work. She made her way down to the kitchen and took her prenatal vitamins. It was 8:30. She was on at 9:00. She hurried out the door hoping she would make it to work on time.

She walked through the doors to the ER when Elizabeth came up to her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked Carol.

"I'm fine. Why?" Carol asked.

"Well, you've just looked a bit run down the past couple of weeks. I guess I'm worrying over nothing.'

"I'm fine. Really, but. Oh I don't know if I can tell you this but I need to tell someone. Come on. I'll tell you in the lounge." Elizabeth and Carol went into the lounge. Carol made sure that no one else was in there.

'I'm pregnant" Carol announced.

"You're, well Congratulations!" Elizabeth said giving her a hug. "Have you told Doug yet?"

"Well, I'm hoping he'll find out today. I sent him a box with the ultra sound video and pictures, and the pregnancy test."

"That's an original way of telling him," said Elizabeth with a laugh. "When are you due?"

"Late November. I don't have an actual date yet."

"Well, are you excited about becoming a mom?"

"Very excited. Doug and I have waited a long time for this"


It was 3:00pm in Seattle. Doug had just returned home from work. He had just worked a 28-hour shift and was exhausted. As he walked up to his house he spotted a huge box on the porch. In his head he was hoping that it was from Carol. He missed her so much. He didn't know how he was going to wait until June to see her. He picked up the box and looked at the return address.

"Carol" he said aloud to himself.

He brought the box into the house and put it on the kitchen table. After he put his stuff away and hung his coat up he made his way to the kitchen. As he opened the box he began to wonder what Carol had sent him. Had he forgotten something of his at her house? He pulled out the jewelry box that read "open first". He carefully opened it. He saw the pregnancy test and his heart dropped in his stomach. He just stared at it.

"Oh my god, she's pregnant" he whispered. "I can't believe I left her when she was pregnant."

He carefully put the test down on the table when he opened the card. His heart melted as he read it.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this news in person. But I thought that waiting that long would be wrong. I thought you would want to know as soon as possible. I wanted to call but was afraid of what you, or I might say. Please call as soon as you get this.

We love you,

Carol and Baby. XXOO

PS. In case you haven't figured it out, I'm 6 weeks and due in Late November.

"Oh Carol." He stuttered.

He looked down at the picture that had fallen into his lap. He just stared at it, not believing what he saw.

"Our baby." He whispered as a tear rolled down his face. "I love you and Carol so much"

He again reached into the box and pulled the mug out. When he saw the word Daddy on it, reality really started to set in. He was going to be a dad, and Carol was going to be a mom. He took the videotape out. He threw the cardboard box away and went into the den to watch the tape. As he sat there watching it, he felt a feeling he had only truly felt once before. That feeling was love. He had felt it everyday with Carol, and sitting there, he felt it again. Watching their child.


That afternoon, Carol was in Exam 4 with Mark, helping him set a cast on a 4 year old boy when Jerry came in.

"Carol. Call for you. It's Doug."

Carol looked at Mark who immediately said "Go. I'll finish up here. And tell him I said Hi."

Carol left the room and told Jerry she would pick up in the lounge.

"Doug?" she said as she picked up the phone.

"Carol? How are you?"

"I.. I'm fine" she managed to stutter.

"I got the package you sent me. I just finished watching the tape of the ultrasound."

"You did? Well, um, is this ok with you?" she questioned sounding worried.

"Ok with me? Honey, it's great. I just don't believe it happened right before I left."

"Neither do i. I just thought we would be there together when I found out. That's the way I saw it for so many months." She said as she began to cry.

"Carol. Baby, listen to me. Whatever way we found out, we got what we wanted. Now, I swear I will be there for you through this whole thing. I even talked to the head of pediatrics out here. I convinced him to let me take the next 2 weeks off, so I could come out and be with you."

"You're coming here? When?" said Carol starting to sound a bit happier.

"My plane leaves tomorrow morning at 8:00. I should get there at about 12:30 Chicago time."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Carol, hoping he wasn't going to change his mind.

"Let's see. I could stay here and work for the next two weeks, or I could see my beautiful girl, and my soon to be baby." He laughed.

"Ok. Umm, do you want me to meet you at the airport?" Carol asked suddenly wondering how she was going to explain to everyone why Doug was coming.

"I sure do."

"I'll be there. But Doug, How are we going to explain you coming out here for 2 weeks? I haven't told anybody except Elizabeth that I'm pregnant."

"Well, tell them that I've got 2 weeks of vacation. Tell them I've been pulling double shifts so I could take time off and see you. That's not a lie. I've been doing that, hoping to come out and see you earlier than June."

"You have? Well, ok. I'll ask Mark if I can have tomorrow afternoon off so I can come and see you."

"Great. Listen Carol; I really have to go now. I have to pack some things and I have to run to the store. I'll see you tomorrow at 12:30. Ok?"

"Ok. Doug, I love you."

"I love you too sweetie. And tell the baby that I love him or her to."

"I will."

She hung up the phone and then realized she had been crying. She washed her face and went to find Mark. She found him in curtain area 3.

"Mark, could I talk to you for a minute?" she asked.

"Sure. So how's Doug? Is anything wrong?"

"What? Oh no everything's great. But, could I have tomorrow afternoon off? See, um, Doug's been pulling double shifts so he could take some time off and he's starting his two week vacation tomorrow and he's coming here.'

"Boy, pulling double shifts for you. That guy must really love you. And sure, take tomorrow afternoon off. And if he wants, bring him by here so I can see him. I kinda miss him too."

"Thanks Mark. Maybe we'll come by tomorrow."

"Might as well. It's Kerry's day off. At least Doug might enjoy himself if she's not around. It be a living hell if she was here."

"Good idea. I don't think either of them really ever want to see each other again" agreed Carol. "Thanks again Mark" she said as she walked off toward the nurses station.
I hope you all liked it. It's the first part of the series. I don't know yet how many parts there will be, but I should be done with the next one soon! And look out for more of my fanfiction that will not be part of my series.