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Great Things Yet To Come

*All of the characters in my fanfictions are the property of ER, Warner Bros, NBC, whatever.. I am not profiting in any way from them. I just write these stories for my own enjoyment, and for Doug and Carol fans like me to read.

*If you have any questions or comments, email me at

In the previous story- It began about 2 weeks after Doug left for Seattle. Carol was depressed because she missed Doug and on top of that was not feeling well. She finally took a pregnancy test and found that she was pregnant. She sent Doug the test and a few other goodies in the mail. When he recieved them he phoned her and told her he was coming to Chicago for two weeks to see her.
Carol Hathaway was in O'Hare International Airport pacing back and forth by Gate 10. She had so many thoughts running through her head she was getting a headache.

"How is everyone going to react to Doug being here? How, and when are we going to tell everyone about the baby? How the hell is my mom going to react when I tell her I'm pregnant... with Doug's baby? She could not get these thoughts out of her head. She tried to think about the good things, like the baby itself, and seeing Doug. But nothing helped. Just then a message came over the PA system.

"Flight 763 from Seattle will be arriving at Gate 10 in 3 minutes."

This caught Carol's attention. Flight 763 was Doug's plane. It had been 2 months since she had seen him last. She was so excited to be seeing him, but so nervous too.

"What if he changes his mind about the baby?" she thought. "What if he leaves me again.. for good?"

She continued to pace waiting for everyone to begin exiting the plane. Then the door at gate 10 opened and people began pouring out. Carol looked around, trying to find Doug.

"Carol!" someone suddenly called out.

Carol spun around and there he was. Same goofy grin she always remember, with his arms wide open.

"Doug!" she yelled as she ran toward him. When she reached him he hugged her and ran his hands through her hair, the same way he always had.

"Oh god carol, I've missed you so much." he whispered in her ear.

"I've missed you too Doug." she whispered back. "I love you."

"I love you too Carol"

He looked into her eyes and saw something he had never seen in her eyes before. Infact, he had only seen it in one other persons eyes before. His mom's. Just seeing that look in Carol's eyes made him love her even more.

"Come on" he said as he took her hand. "I've got something for you and the baby in my bag."

They walked over to the baggage pick-up to wait for Doug's bag. As the bag's came down carol spotted Doug's, followed by a huge wrapped box.

"I got it Doug" she said grabbing the bag. As she did so, Doug grabbed the huge box behind it.

"Doug, what is that?" she asked as they began walking out of the airport toward the car.

"It's a surprise" he said with that cheesey little smile of his. "You'll have to wait until we get your house."

"Dooouuuuggg." she whined.

"Caroool." he whined smiling.

They loaded the huge box into the car and got in.

"Oh, and Doug" Carol said as she started the car. "Our house. When we get to our house."
When they got back to the house, Doug told Carol to sit on the couch while he got something out of his bag. Once she was seated Doug walked over to her and put the huge box from the airport down in front of her.

"Open it" he said, kissing her forehead.

Carol tore off the wrapping paper and pulled the box open. She reached inside and pulled out the cutest carseat.

"Oh Doug I love it!" she cried excitedly. "It's so adorable!"

The carseat was detachable so it could be used as a baby carrier too. The fabric print was babyblue, a soft pink, and a light yellow with pale purple and mint green balloons.

"I thought you'd like it" he said, sqirming in his seat a little.

She put the carrier/carseat down on the coffee table and hugged him.

"I'm not done yet" he said, pulling out a small box from behind his back. He gave it to Carol and wrapped his arm around her as she opened it.

"Doug!" she exclaimed. "A diamond tennis bracelet. It's beautiful!" she said starting to cry as he put it on her wrist.

"I'm glad you like it" he said kissing her. "because I got something to go with it."

He got down on one knee and pulled out a box from his pocket. When he opened it Carol began to sob.

"Carol Hathaway, i know I asked you this before, but I want to do it right this time. I love you more than I could ever express. And knowing you are carrying our child makes me love you even more. You are the love of my life and I want to grow old with you. Carol, will you marry me?"

"Oh, oh, oh Doug. I love you so much! Of course I will marry you." she sobbed.

Doug took the diamond ring and put it on Carol's finger. Then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. As he did, Carol closed her eyes and imagined all of the great things yet to come in her life.
Later that day, Doug and Carol were in the Cook County Hospital parking lot, walking toward the ER. They had set the date for the wedding. It was to take place in two months. On June 3rd.

"Carol, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Doug, I already told you. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you. Plus, it's Kerry's day off, so you can relax without worrying about having her breathing down your neck. besides, don't you want to be there when I show off my ring?"

"Oh carol. I love you soo much."

They walked into the Er and Jerry yelled out from behind the desk. "Hey Dr.Ross! How've you been?" "Wow"

Mark and Elizabeth walked out of the lounge, followed by Haleh, Malik, and Chuny.

"Hey Doug" said Mark, shaking his hand and patting him on the back. "How's life in Seattle been treating you?"

"Eh, pretty good. It'd be even better if I had my beautiful girl with me." he replied, smiling at carol.

Gradually, the whole ER staff wandered over and began talking to Doug. Once just about everyone was ther Doug called out, This caught everyone's attention. Doug and carol stood next to each other and Carol announced,

"Doug and I are getting married, for real this time."

She held up her hand to show off the ring and people began running up and offering their congrats. Once everyone had calmed down, Carol pulled Elizabeth, Jeanie, Haleh, and Chuny aside.

"Ok. Well as we told everyone before as they were congratulating us, we've set the date for June 3rd, and I would be honored if you (Jeanie, Haleh, and Chuny) would be my bridesmaids. And elizabeth, would you do the honor of being my maid of honor?

"Oh Carol, I would be delighted to" said Elizabeth, giving her a hug.

"And of course we'll be your bridesmaids girl" said Haleh, "now let me see that ring again!"
That night, while they were in bed, Doug had his arms wrapped around Carol and asked

"so, did you ask Elizabeth, Jeanie, Chuny, and Haleh?"

"Yeah, Looks like I've got my bridesmaids. What about you? Did you ask Mark to be best man? and Carter and Peter to be ushers?"

"Sure did. And I was thinking, maybe we could get Reese to be ringbearer."

"That'd be adorable. Just hope Peter agrees" said Carol, kissing Doug.

"Yeah" he agreed, yawning. "What do you say we get some sleep?"

"I say yes" she said, laughing as she turned out the light.
*I know what your thinking. Some parts were kinda corny, but I was half asleep while I was writing it. It was 2:00am by the time I was done (I wouldn't let myself go to sleep till I was done). But anyway, I still don't know how many parts are going to be in this series. But the third part should be done real soon! Also, please send me feedback and tell me what you think of my fanfiction!