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This page is provided as an information service to the residents
of Seneca Park North, located in Germantown, Maryland.

You may want to bookmark this page and stop by here often for updates.

Reconvene Annual Homeowners Association Meeting is Scheduled for June 5, 2003 @ 6:30 p.m. (Updated 05/14/03)  New meeting had to to be scheduled, due to lack of Homeowners participation at 4/3/2003.

Minutes from Homeowners Association for April 3, 2003. (Updated 04/03/03) 

Downloadable Annual Meeting Proxy Vote (NEW 03/20/03)

Please watch your speed while driving through our community! The maximum speed is 25 MPH and the few seconds you may save by speeding aren't worth it!

The Neighborhood Classifieds is open for any resident to sell items or services (e.g.. Daycare & Babysitters) that you feel that your neighbors might need or want.


New Garbage days effective May 3, 2003 are Wednesday and Saturday.  Garbage must be placed out prior to 7:00 a.m. on those days.  In accordance with our bylaws, Garbage may only be placed out the night before trash removal is scheduled.  Garbage and Garbage cans may not be stored in the front of your home.  All garbage must be in a Garbage can.

Please remember to be courteous to your neighbors.  Clean up behind your pets.  Do not let them rummage through your neighbors garbage!


Please remember that the extremely bad weather has caused a lot of problems in our neighborhood, it would help the cleanup process if cars are placed in driveways when possible and do not abandon your car in the middle of the road.  Snow plows can not get passed abandoned vehicles. Townhouses, please remember only park in marked spaces.  Illegally parked cars are subject to towing

In accordance with our bylaws, any dwelling that has a garage, must have their car either in their garage or in their driveway.  Street parking is prohibited!

To contact our community manager, please call Ms. Linda Wildman at 301 916-7100, ext. 101.


Architectural Review Committee Request for Modification Form   
Architectural Review Request for Modification Form (Downloadable WordPerfect Format) NEW 02/28/03
Board Member Information Updated 02/28/03
Emergency School Closing (  NEW 02/28/03
Special Events Updated 05/14/03
Financial Information
Home Improvement Information
MD Forecast from the National Weather Service
Montgomery County Government Information
Montgomery County School Information
Neighborhood Classifieds Updated 05/14/03
Useful Information Updated 02/28/03


This page is provided by and for the residents of Seneca Park North.
Comments and suggestions are welcome! Please respond by e-mail to the address below.




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