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 Meet My friend, Mr. Push Me!

  My cousin Lisa likes Sanrio so I'll just keep the background as it is

  I've used a Mac ever since I was in 7th grade. My sister bought a Mac Classic for us to use on our homeworks and that\'s how I got to learn on how to use a Mac. I even decorated the desktop too with a program I had. It looked really nice. Even though it\'s slow and outdated, I had a fun time using the Classic computer. I bought a book on how to edit the computer and this is what i did. I changed the trash can (recycle bin on pc computers) into a toilet which i drew myself. If you walk into a stall in the restroom, that\'s how the toilet would look on my computer. Facing ya. The seat\'s down if there\'s no file in the toilet to be thrown away. But if you put files in there to be thrown away, the seat\'s up. Cool, huh? Yeah, i know, it\'s gross for some people. If you go the menu to empty the trash can (which is a toilet), i changed the \"empty trash can\" into \"Plunger.\" After you do that, you\'ll hear a sound of a toilet being flushed. But it was all for fun, in which, it was.

1. Condorman
2. Splash
3. The Goonies
4. Big Trouble in Little China
5. Romancing the Stone
6. The Jewel of the Nile
7. The Three Amigos
8. The Cisco Kid
9. Spaceballs
10. Mystery Date
11. The Man With One Red Shoe
12. Mr. Baseball
13. King Ralph
14. Last Action Hero
15. Bulletproof

Let me tell you a little about why I like the movies I shown above. They are all ranked on how good they are and which movies I liked the most. Number one being the best. The first 7 are movies that I've seen when I was young. After #7, the movies are seen recently. My favorite is Condorman and that's why it's first. It's an old film, I think around early 80s or so. I have seen this movie when I was young and I still see it now. Condorman is about Woody Wilkins who is a comic book writer and pretends to be a top level operative spy. He goes on an adventure to find the girl who he set his eyes set on, Natalia Rombova of the KGB. It's really a good movie. Splash is next which is about a mermaid falling in love with a New York man. For The Goonies, it's about a group of kids who goes on an adventure to look for One Eye Willy's buried treasure and being persued by the Fertellies. My oldest sister introduced this movie to me and I liked it when I first viewed it. Next is Big Trouble in Little China. My oldest sister introduced this movie to me when I was looking at the movie shelves in a movie store. It's about Jack Burton and Wang Chee who together battle the forces of evil lead by Lo Pan who is kind of like a god. Very funny and good movie. Romancing the Stone is about two couples who team up and search for a gem stone. The Jewel of the Nile is a continuation of Romancing the Stone and also features the same actors. The Three Amigoes is really funny. It's about three people who are just movie actors and are hired by local Mexican people to get rid of bandits. Mystery Date is about a guy who goes on this date with a girl. It seems to be a routine dating but turns out to be an adventrue for him since everything goes wrong and a lot of weird things happen. The last movie I would like to describe about is The Man with One Red Shoe. It's played by Tom Hanks (Splash) and accidently gets mistaken for, I forgot but I think, a spy.

Since my sister likes unicorns, i guess i'll just put this one here.

Warcraft's a cool game. What can I say? I prefer to be on the troll's side.

My sis and I like to eat this. It's called Haw Gow. It has some kind of thin dough like for the wrapper and the insides are filled with shrimp. You eat them along with soy sauce. When I first had these, I ate them over in Seattle in 1994 with my cousins at a restaurant. And wow, you can eat a lot at one sitting. Yummy.... Oh, and if you're not paying attention, I was talking about the picture above and not about the mailbox below.

Hey! Stop digging in that mailbox above. That's mine.

Wow! You've made it all the way down to here? I'm impressed.

Sanrio pictures belongs to Sanrio (not sure what's their full company's name).

The computer down below looks exactly just like my Macintosh 6290 computer.