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Right now, my wife and i live in the same house with my extended family. Okay, I don\'t work since my wife won the lottery in 1992. It\'s only 9.5 million dollars before taxes. The money wasn\'t much at all after taxes. Don\'t you just hate that? That\'s why my web pages look really good since i have a lot of spare time doing nothing else. We have two maids and one butler. And my wife is really nice, strange huh?. Let\'s see, what else? ummm... Do you believe any of that stuff? Mean either since i made it up. But hey, i really had ya going there for a second, huh? hehe. This is fun. I betcha if i was sitting right next to ya, i can see your eyes getting big as dinner plates. It\'s just a use to get upset. And don\'t click on that bookmark menu to go to a different page.

To tell you the truth, i only own a small oil well ranch (not big at all) in my hometown in Maine. I have a few cattles and a few sheeps too. Gottcha again! Aawww..come on, can\'t you take a joke? Don\'t leave, please? Okay, the truth this time. I only own a small chinese restaurant called Viet Cafe and business is really good...fooled ya again! hehe. You know, if i had a lot of spare time, i could have fun with this. Actually, the truth this time about me is below. Of course, i wish i had won the lottery.

My name is Mike and i'm not married YET
The year of the Tiger
I like talking to people online


spending time at my computer

I enjoy biking when the weather is nice
I watch a lot of rental movies
My favorite color is green
I like Snap Dragons since they're so colorful and if you pull the mouth apart and let go, it's like it's snapping at you. My favorite tree would be birch trees. My other picks would be weeping willows and any kind of apple trees.
These are the TV shows I like to watch or listen to on the radio.

Star Trek with Kirk
Star Trek with Piccard
Star Trek Voyager
Home Improvement

I like to take pictures of friends, relatives, family members, Pierre, and my hamsters. I'm asian. Part vietnamese and part chinese. Moved over here in 1980 from Vietnam and lived here ever since.
I used to speak French and Spanish but I've forgotten most of them already. Studied the languages in Junior and High school so it's been quite a while now.

Okay, everything in the frames above is the truth this time. Did you know that the person that's writing this web page is really his sister? Gottcha! Or is it mike? hmmm....... Makes you wonder, huh?

Let's celebrate....

Everyweek!! I like strawberry and coconut mixed together. yummy