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Roland's Page

The Source of All Things About Roland Carlos


Since I felt the need to express myself, and I was kind of bored, I decided to make another web page! Amazing isn't it? However, the last time I made a page was before these fancy "table" layouts and super java scripts. Hey, what are you going to do about it? In any case, I'm relearning how to make a web page, so please forgive how basic and shabby this page looks. I know more than it looks like at first. Really. (Luckily I kept some notes!)

Page Sections

As I've found working on many sections at once, I've decided to go one at a time. For now, I'll be working on the Knightrc section.

All About Knightrc

Contacting Roland

There's many ways to contact me. Pick one! If you know of other stuff I can put on my already full Hard Drive so you can contact me about it!

ICQ: 441382 (notice how low the number is)
AOL Instant Messager: BigRC316

Last Updated: July 20, 1999