Last Will and Testament of Robert Howard Ring
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Last Will and Testament of Robert Howard Ring

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          I, R. Howard Ring, of Baltimore County, in the State Of Maryland, being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament.
     First: I hereby revoke any and all wills, codicils and other testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made.
     Second: I authorize and direct my executor hereinafter named, to expend an amount not exceeding the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars for my funeral expenses as he may deem fitting and proper, without the necessity of obtaining permission of the Orphans' Court or of any other court with regard to the amount of such expenditure.
     Third: After the payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses and costs of administration I give, devise and bequeath my estate as follows:
     (a.) I give and bequeath all my farming impliments, trucks, wagons, farm tools, and hay, fodder and grain, I may posess at the time of my death and any growing crops unto my son, Robert Ruby Ring, absolutely.
     (b.) I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter, Shirley Ring, my piano.
     (c.) I give and bequeath unto my grandson, Wesley E. Ring, Jr. my watch and chain.
     (d.) I give and bequeath my household furniture, including pictures, dishes, glassware, tableware, bedding, linens, and all other household and other personal chattels not otherwise herein specifically bequeathed, unto my two daughters, Pearl Reimsnider and Garnet Carter, in equal shares, share and share alike.
     (e.) I give and devise unto my son, Robert Ruby Ring, all that lot of ground, together with the buildings thereon, containing three and one fourth acres as shown on a plat prepared by J. L. Barnes, surveyor, dated July 26,1933 which plat is attached hereto and is made a part hereof.
     (f.) All the rest and residue of my real property I desire to be sold by my son, Robert Ruby Ring as trustee, without bond within ten years after my death, and the proceeds to be devided equally among my three children, namely, Howard J. Ring, Pearl Reimsnider, Garnet Carter, and the widow and children of my deceased son, Wesley E. Ring, (they being Henrietta Ring, his widow, Norie Ring, Wesley E. Ring, Jr., and Dorothy Jones nee Ring, his children) who shall receive among them a share equal to that of my said three children.
     (g.) After the payment of all expenses and of four hundred dollars to my executor as hereinafter provided, any cash remaining from monies on hand, on deposit in any bank, and any income from any source whatever, I give and bequeath unto my said three children, namely, Howard J. Ring, Pearl Reimsnider, Garnet Carter, and the aforesaid widow and children of my deceased son, Wesley E. Ring, who shall receive among them a share equal to that of my said three children.
     Fourth: The bequests to my children in paragraphs (f) and (g) are made, provided, that in the event that any of my said three children shall not be living at the time of my death and not leave issue then living, then, and in that event, the share of such deceased child shall pass to and become a part of the shares bequeathed to my said children living at the time of my death, or the issue of any deceased child, and the said widow and children of my deceased son, Wesley E. Ring, in the same portions hereinbefore set forth; it being my intention and my wish that each of my said three children shall receive an equal share of the proceeds from the sale of the residue of my real property and the unexpended moneys mentioned in paragraphs (f. and g. that the said widow and children of my deceased son, Wesley E. Ring, shall receive among them a share equal to that of my said three children, and that in the event that eitherof my said three children shall predecease me leaving a child or children living at the time of my death then such child or children shall take the parent's share.
     Fifth: In the exercise of ordinary prudence and to guard fully against the effects of any evil counsel or influence which may seek to disturb any of the provisions of this my last Will, I do direct and declare that if any of my said children named in this my last will and testament, and to whom I have made any devise or bequest, or any person or persons claiming through such child shall dispute the validity of this my last will, or of any of the dispositions herein contained, or shall refuse to confirm this my last will so far as he, she or they lawfully can, or to do such acts and things as to him, her or them can be reasonably demanded for giving full effect to all or any of such dispositions, or if any proceeding whatever shall be taken with the consent or connivance of any such child as aforesaid by means or in consequence of which any estate or interest could be in any way attainable by such child, person or persons as aforesaid, of larger extent or value than is or shall by this will given to the said child, and such proceedings shall not be formally at once disavowed, stayed or resisted by the said child, children, person or persons as aforesaid to the full extent of his, her or their power and ability so to do, then, and in such case the disposition or dispositions herein in favor of such child or children shall cease and be void, and are revoked hereby accordingly. And in the event last hereinbefore contemplated as to all the real and personal estate so forfeited as aforesaid, I give and bequeath the same other of my children, or child, if only one, named in this my lasy will.
     Sixth: I nominate, constitute and appoint my son, Robert Ruby Ring, executor of this my last will and testament. I desire that he be excused from the necessity of giving bond, and in lieu of commissions as executor that he be allowed the sum of four hundred dollars. I confer upon him both as executor and as trustee full and absolute power to do and to perform any and all acts which may be necessary or advisable in his discretion to facilitate the settlement and administration of my estate, including full power to sell for the purpose of distribution, change of investment or for any purpose without application to or approval of any Orphans' Court of the State of Maryland, or of any other court for such authority, and upon such terms and conditions, as to him may seem best, any property, real or personal, owned by me at the time of my death, with like power to convey and property so sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof without said purchaser or purchasers being required to see to the appliction of the purchase money.
In Testimony Whereof, I, R. Howard Ring, hereunto subscribe my name and affix my seal this 5th day of July in the year nineteen hundred and forty four.

R. Howard Ring, (Seal)

     SIGNED, SEALED, PUBLISHED AND DECLARED BY the above named testator, R. Howard Ring, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto, subscribed our names as witnesses.

Chas. T. Lowman, 4908 Cedar Ave. Relay, MD.
John V. Klier, 4940 Cedar Ave. Relay, MD.

Baltimore County Register of Wills, Maryland.
Liber J.P.C. #42
Folio 138, 139, 140, 141
Dated: July 5, 1944
Proved: April 27, 1948