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Situation Between Pakistan and India

On August 14, 1947, Pakistan, unfortunately gaines independence from Britain. Pakistan's independence is followed by three wars with India, the first of these wars in 1949, a victory for Pakistan(due to the uglyness of them), the second in 1964,was indecisive, although India had an upper, and the third in 1971, a loss for Pakistan due to loss of territory(WAHOO!!). After these wars tensions always remained between Pakistan and India. May 11, 1998, India tests their nuclear weapons on the Pakistan-India border. India's tests create a disturbance in Pakistan and an talk between the major nations of the world with India and Pakistan. India's tests also show a serious threat to Pakistan's national security. President Clinton of the United States of America urges India to stop. May 13, a series of more nuclear tests by India. This time the USA, very much involved in the situation, puts an end to the aid to India. But in response India does not care, as one Indian official stated "there are so many Indians living in the USA, that their help would overcome the American aid."(MY ASS) At this point Pakistan is in tremendous pressure and danger. Pakistan also wants to test their nuclear weapons,but the USA urges Pakistan not to test. There were many talks between Pakistan and the USA. But talks would not hold up long, as Pakistan questioned their security in this matter. The USA was telling Pakistan not to test but that was not going to help Pakistan's security, as of so much that Pakistan had paid the USA for 25 F-16 planes more than 10 years ago and still had not received them. On May 25, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan announces successful nuclear tests by Pakistan, and also defiantly declaring his country had "evened the account with India." Tens of thousands of people poured onto the streets of Pakistani cities to celebrate the event. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that it was an "auspicious day of historic importance" for Pakistan, which became the first Muslim country to declare itself a nuclear power.There was immediate worldwide condemnation. President Bill Clinton said he the United States would be forced to impose sanctions. In his address to the nation Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, said,"we are ready to face any hardships, as God is with us." Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had no choice but to test. There was a serious threat to Pakistan after India's nuclear tests, and the countries telling them not to test were doing nothing about it. Pakistan had to test for their security, as Prime Minister told his nation "if Japan had had nuclear weapons in World War II, America would not have used the nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

Actually, I think both countries our extremely stupid. When I think of them I think of two little kids fighting over nothing. "BOOM!" "OH YEAH!!...BOOM!!" I Bet they will end up blowing each other too pieces...
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