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Computer Repairmen
York Adams Council
             Setting: Cubs are sitting around the work table (scattered with tools like
             soldering iron, screwdrivers, schematics, old computer parts, etc. and one
             computer that is the object of their concentration) obviously trying to get the
             computer to work. 

             Note: that the computer is on and running except that the monitor should be
             turned off so it doesn't appear to work.

             Floppy disk - rubber disk like a jar lid gripper
             Microchips - potato chips
             Motherboard - wooden paddle or cutting board
             Mouse - rubber mouse toy
             Serial bus - Cereal box folded into shape of a bus
             Computer case - brief case

             Cub 1: Well we've got to get this thing working before [Den Leader's name]
             gets back from the store.

             Cub 2: You're right! It was working fine when he left and we were playing
             Tetris. What do you think went wrong?

             Cub 3: I don't think we did anything to it; it just kinda' stopped working all a

             Cub 4: (Holding up "floppy disk") Did you check the floppy drive?

             Cub 5: Yeah. It seems to be fine. (Holding up "microchips") I even checked
             the memory chips and they're okay too.

             Cub 6: (Holding "motherboard") You don't think it's the motherboard, do you?

             Cub 7: Nah. We didn't even touch that. (Holding up "mouse") And besides,
             we were only using the mouse to play the game.

             Cub 8: (Holding up "serial bus") Well if we were only using the mouse, could
             it be the serial bus is the problem?

             Cub 9: I think I know what the problem is. (Holding up computer case) Here,
             you guys get all these parts back in the case and I'll go get the help we need.

             Cubs huddle around the computer case putting things into it while Cub 9 goes
             into audience and gets "appropriate help," for example, the Cubmaster or Den
             Leader. Cub returns with "help" and asks him/her [out loud] to hold this screw
             in the back. All Cubs stand back and Cub 9 turns on the monitor so that the
             computer "works."

             Cub 9: I thought that's what it was—it was missing a nut!