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My Logo

Welcome to the NightBringer's little office(as big as your screen). While here, make yourselves at home. While I'm still here, I'll show you around here. Online Shadow Clan has just been started on 12/6/97 so we are a fairly small club at this time. We encourage anyone who wants to be part of something special to join. Thank you for your time and support and hope some of you join up. This is a free club so you don't have anything to lose, so sign up! If you want to be in it, click here. In the meanwhile, you are encouraged to sit still and stare at my now blank office. I will be moving in so you will have something to see, but in the meantime, keep staring.

My Office

The Door| The Wall| The Floor| The Ceiling
The Doorstop| The Complaints Desk| The Desk| The Pet Tiger

The Door

Currently, the door serves as nothing except the entrance to my office. In the meantime, the door amuses us by continually closing on each other visitor. Although we are receiving complaints, we will maintain the door as it is. The door is composed of an alloy of aluminum which doesn't conduct heat. In between the frame of aluminum alloy are triple paned panels of glass. They're extremely durable and shatterproof, as well as contain most sound like a conversation within the room. Directly above the center of the door is a hidden motion sensor. The moment it senses motion somewhat ahead, it will automatically open the doors. The problem with it is that the door closes too fast and some of our slower customers didn't get out of the way fast enough...

The Wall

Our real wall has arrived just a few weeks ago. There's really not much to say about it. It's large, white, and takes up space. I sort of liked my grand view of the city below, but I guess I can get used to having a barrier there. The wall is composed of some kind of plaster which is highly resistant to damage and maybe even grafiti. There are a few droids walking around putting the wall fully in place. They look kind of funny.

The Floor

The floor used to be litered with lots and lots of boxes and plastic packages. We finished unpacking after a few customers fell victim to my pet tiger. Since there's less stuff lying around, you should be able to spot the tiger more easily and readily dodge his pounce while presenting your resume.

The Ceiling

The ceiling has a fan and tons of bright shiney lights. You feel mesmerized for an instant as you stare at the lights and almost failed to sidestep the prancing tiger. The ceiling fan just keeps turning and turning around providing you with a zephyr. There is also a multitude of what seems like transparent lumps on the ceiling. They might be sprinklers or cameras...or maybe even worse.

The Doorstop

One of the most misspelled words in the English language, doorstop is commonly spelled as door stop. The correct spelling of doorstop, as you see, has no spaces. Although be should be encouraged to become different, I favor the death penalty for anyone who misspells door stop. Just to enlighten you, the door stop looks like a scallene triangular solid.

The Complaints Desk

The complaints desk has been moved down to the dungeon, cell 5 on the left. We lost the keys to it so when you sit down to make a complaint in the box, the bars might accidentally close. We're not responsible for any losses of life this way. Disregard the skeletons.

The Desk

The desk is a large slab of a night-black alloy of some kind of moon-rock. There is a tower computer sitting on top of it, megahertzes ablazing. The President sits in his comfey chair behind the desk holding a laptop while typing frantically into it. There are piles and piles of work and unfinished HTML files on his desk and he occasionally grabs one and edits it. There are also 5 switches and 2 buttons on his desk. You decide not to ask what they do...

The Pet Tiger

He has pretty big teeth. Let's just hope the interview goes over before this guy gets hungry. Beside the tiger are piles of various bones from different species. You spy a humanoid skull lying on the ground. Drawn by your curiosity, you go in for a closer look...and that's how we lose so many applicants.

A Letter of Greetings From the President


<bgsound src="images/MIB.mid" loop=infinite>

is being blamed for providing us with a web site.

Email: NightBringer