~*~Dreams Summary~*~

Dreams - Summary Ah, so you wanna know more about my dreams, huh? Well, to summarize, most of my dreams take place in certain places. My dreams are like another world that I exist in. Things and places are usually the same when I go there, and people's attitudes and emotions are continued from dream to dream, as if by day to day.

I have my own mall which has a flat stage in the centre, and upstairs there is a theatre place that's sometimes disguised as a jewelry or candy store. I hang out there and pick certain stars to perform at my theatre. I get my friends in free and I go onstage and introduce the guests. There's also a piano store there and I usually show off by playing one or swinging from the top floor railings and walking down the rail of the escalators. I also hang out in two other malls, but I don't own them.

I know a lot of stars at K-Mart and recently the owner gave the store to me. The end isle is where I go to have the cashier call a celebrity up to the front. I usually play out in the parking lot there and at the library when it's dark. A bunch of friends and I play car tag where we hop around on the cars and get in and out of them trying not to be spotted. We drive them around until we crash into each other and then we get out and hide in a new one.

My favourite place is my bar. It took me a while to get people to believe that I actually owned it. It's down the street from my grandmother's house, so I usually leave her house and go hang out at the bar. It's changed a lot and always has some renovation going on. It used to have a stage and an upstairs with ome rooms, but now there's a back pool room and beyond there, an office with steps going up. Sometimes I make my way back to the kitchen. I have a problem sometimes because people turn it into an apartment and it's a mess that way. Once in awhile there will be a hat store next door where stars by hats and costumes, or it will be a deli or a bakery. Sometimes the bar is missing. On the side, you can go in a door and there's levels of apartments, two per stair level. Mine is on the second level to the right, but it's a rare third apartment.

The first one at the top of the steps being occupied by various stars. I usually let them, including Tony, stay in my apartment when I'm away, so I let my friends know people might be in there. It's a small apartment, with a storage room down the hall there, before the next level. My apartment has a living room with a kitchen area around the closet wall. When you walk in, the living room is on the left and the bedroom is on the right, along with a closet on the right before the bedroom too. In the bedroom, there's a bed on the right, and a closet on the left, along with the bathroom near the closet.

Down the street is an apartment complex, but nobody important really stays there anymore. I always try and get friends to cros the street and let cars go through them. They think they'll get hurt though, so I show them you don't, which is always neat. If I steal a car to get there, I might park it or take it around back where a guy works in the garage and paints the car so nobody knows I took it, or he'll return it. He's always there to open the garage and shut it behind me. I used to live in that area for real, and I had a friend in a nearby house, so I usually go there to get someone to go to the bar with me.

A ways up the street one way is my old elementary school where I go to hang out and they usually have a carnival there, or some interesting stuff on the lawn or a ballgame up on the field. Usually I end up in a Hogan's Heroes scene when I'm there, or I play around on the playground out back, or sneak into the school. A ways from that is my old high school where I battle creatures in the halls or try and find my classes, or cut them and go home, or run through the halls causing trouble. Not far from my grandmother's house, across a busy street and up the hill, is my house.

I often go down to the busy street and check out the bars there, or my old house, and then go up to find me a limo and go to the special bar. That one is cool since you can go upstairs, if you're important enough, and you can basically order a guy to come to one of the rooms and hang out. They usually get the gy wrong so I waste a lot of time trying to get the right one. Up the road from there is a disco. It's hard to get into there and sometimes you have to go through the witchcraft store beside it. They have a secret entrance among the clothes and study tables and all the other weird stuff in there. Sometimes they disguise the disco as a library.

Well, that's about the settings of my dreams.

Last Updated: 17 October 2001
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Email: philhartman49@aol.com