Monkey monkey bottle of beer - how many monkeys have we here?
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Why monkeys...I dunno.
I guess growing up with Vietnam, Watergate and Nixon had some effect on me that therapy couldn't cure.
Now 30 + years later, I'm still waiting for things to take an uphill swing.
I don't see anything going uphill yet, but I have humor.
Without humor, the cynicism eats away at you.
So maybe, that's why the monkey shines like a beacon for me.

To quote the famous Monkees song " I'm a believer ".
I believe that the politicians, religious leaders, the corporate movers and shakers,
the right and the left are all a bunch of big blue ass apes.
I believe money, politics, big business and organized religion accomplishes nothing that matters.
I believe that if we don't get a handle on the problems we face in this world soon,
we are going to destroy ourselves and go straight to monkey hell.

The bad news is, there are no easy solutions like a new credible politician, ceo or messiah.
The good news is we have monkeys.
If you ever doubt that fact, grab a beer and turn on the 11:00 news.
In that spirit, I bring you....

Monkey monkey bottle of beer - how many monkeys have we here?

The best monkey sites on the web...

"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters
will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare.
"Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."

-- Professor Robert Silensky of California University

(You can add pompous professors to my list of blue ass apes)

monkey n. pl. -keys 1. Any member of the order of Primates except man. 2. A mischievous, playful, young or childish person 3. A person who is mocked, duped, or made to appear a fool. 4. An affected, artificial person.

Links to informative sites about monkeys:

The official Sea Monkeys Site!

What happens when five little monkeys jump on the bed, a must see video!

40 Random facts about...MONKEYS!

Rob's House Of Monkey Love...See Rob's Famous Mom!
Find Out Why A Tampon Is Better Than A Monkey!

An Exclusive Interview With THE MONKEY From The Hit TV Show "Friends"!!!

Turn pom-poms and pipe cleaners into silly-looking monkeys that you'll love to have hanging around.

Play this addicting game of MONKEY FLASH!

If a site has a star (((()))) you really should go and take a look.

He Was More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys!!
Bokonon my main ape
1955 ~ 2008

A Tribute To A Few Wacked Chat Room Personalities










Hippie Neil







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