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The Witch's Chi

The Witchs' Chi

Spellcasting is about power raising. The more power you raise the better your outcome will be, right? So it is within the witch's interest to keep that energy flowing as strongly and freely as possible.

Chi is the name eastern cultures use for that energy that is all around you and within you. And, wonderful folks that they are, they also have all kinds of techniques to help you clear out your energy blocks! There are tons of books on the subject so I'll only go over the different techniques breifly.

Tai Chi is a very low-impact workout that increase flexablity as well as the mind-body connection. It also is a great relaxation technique. Yoga is another low-impact workout with the same benifts.

Most people have heard of acupressure and acupuncture which targets pressure points that when worked with a finger or needles (leave the needles to the pros) help to release the energy blocks in targeted areas.

For a good all over conditioning try reflexology. There are pressure points in each hand and foot the 'reflect' all the systems of the body. You can learn about specific massage techniques, but if you give yourself a good, firm hand and foot massage you'll hit most of those pressure points.

Tellington 'T' Touch is a massage and acupressure technique for your furry familiars, like cats, dogs and horses. They'll enjoy the rubbing and massage as much as you do. Their ears are their reflexology areas. Gently rub their ears between your thumb and forefinger as delicately as if they were rose petals. My cats love this, especially when their ears are cold and it takes the edge off when they're in a foul mood.

Reiki is a theraputic touch technique. Donna Cumming, who has taken her second level initiation for Reiki says, "When you use Reiki on someone the practitioner is simply a conduit for energy from the Higher Source. Someone doing Reiki does not "heal" but draws the energy thru themselves into the other person for that person to use for their own higher good." Many holistic health schools offer classes and you could get a free session from their students.

Feng Shue is a technique to organize your home or office into a more hamonious environment. Elemental factors play a big role in Feng Shue. It also keeps the energy from draining from a building or letting outside energy invade it.

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