Michael Morrison

Christian since 1978, husband since 1984, father since 1988
Member and employee, Grace Communion International, since 1978/1983
B.A. Biology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, 1976
B.A. Theology, Ambassador College, Pasadena, CA, 1983
Master of Divinity, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA, 1997
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, 2006
This page is used for sermons and miscellaneous unpublished articles. 

Baptism: the other side of the incarnation 
Beauty of a Rose
Beginner's guide to God      
Being rich toward God
Bethlehem Network News - a children's play
Bible study as a spiritual discipline
Bodybuilding: The church grows as we use our gifts 
Building a spiritual community
Building on a solid foundation 
Citizens of heaven living on earth
Commitment to God
The dad in the driveway
Dealing with failure (the prodigal son)
Declaring our independence
Dealing with failure
Dealing with problems through Christ
Devoted to the apostles' teaching 
Discipleship: created to become like Christ
Dying to live
Easter in the eyes of children - a children's play
Enemies of intimacy with God
Enjoying a relationship with God
Enjoying intimacy with God 
Enslaved to righteousness 
Enter the joy of the Lord
Entering God's presence
Evangelism works better if we work together 
Examine yourself before the Lord's Supper
The false gospel of prophecy
Four major points of the gospel
Freedom and law
Fruit of the Spirit: love — and pain
Good news for bad people 
Gospel: a message of good news
The gospel in an alabaster jar 
Grace-based relationships
Gratitude and stewardship
Great leadership: a choice
Honor our heroes
The Holy Spirit -- a witness for Jesus
How the spring festivals point to Christ 
Humanity: The Image of God
Introduction to Jehovah's Witnesses
Introduction to Mormonism
Introduction to Scientology 
It's relationships - not rules
Jesus and reconciliation
Jesus and the Samaritan woman (John 4)
Jesus' birth: our hope 
Jesus Christ -- a statement of belief
Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human
Jesus reveals the Father 
The joy of memory 
The joy set before him 
Let living waters flow!
Live in a shack and celebrate! 
Look to Jesus and be faithful (Hebrews 3) 
The Lord's Prayer for his people
Miracles of Jesus
The miracles of Jesus 
No more hunger, no more thirst
One who loves much 
Pain and suffering - God's view
Parables of God 
Paul's corporate language 
Paul's missionary motives
Paul's policy on women—3 key questions
Principles of interpreting prophecy
Prophecy: a moderate view
The purpose of blessings
'Restore him gently'
The Resurrection: Our Hope for the Future
Romans 7
Romans 8
Romans 9
Romans 10
Romans 11
Romans 12
Seeking the lost 
Sharing in the Holy Spirit
Spiritual leadership 
Stewardship involves all of life
Strawberries and judgment
A tale of two brothers - Philemon & Onesimus
Thankfulness as a means of Christian formation
Thanksgiving—beware lest we forget
There is work to do!
The wandering people of God (Hebrews 11) 
Three principles of worship  
Three snapshots in our journey with God
A ticket to paradise
Unity in the body of Christ
Using your personality to serve God
Walking by faith, not by sight
We have arrived (Hebrews 10)
What Christmas means to me
What do we need Jesus for, anyway?
Who are you listening to?
Why did Jesus teach about hell? 
Why the church?

see also my favorite collection of biblical studies and Christian literature

my email address

Anglo-Israelism refuted