Theology Class Papers
by Michael Morrison

The papers on this page were written for classes at Azusa Pacific University and Fuller Theological Seminary.

biblical studies class papers - OT
Rhetorical Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (57 kilobytes)
Critique of Walter Kaiser's Promise-Plan Theology of the OT
The Typology of Israelite Annual Festivals
–Part One: The Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits
–Part Two: Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles
The Message of Hosea 11
The Theological and Ethical Purposes of Amos 7

Books for sale:

Walter G. Übelacker. Der Hebräerbrief als Appell. Almqvist & Wiksell, 1989. Paperback with dust jacket. Minor soiling on dust jacket; no marks inside. ISBN 91-22-01251-6, 9122012516. $35. Ubelacker, Uebelacker, Hebraerbrief, Hebraeerbrief.

Norbert Hugedé. Le Sacerdoce du Fils. Paris: Fischbacher, ISBN 2-7199-1002-6, 2719910026. 1983. Minor scuffing outside, no marks inside. $20. Hugede.

Samuel Bénétreau. L’Épître aux Hébreux. 2 volumes, tomes. Commentaire Évangélique de la Bible. CEB. Vaux-sur-Seine: Édifac. Éditions de la Faculté Libre de Théologie Évangélique. ISBN 2-904407-09-X, 2-904407-11-6, 290440709X, 2904407116. Minor scuffing, one cover slightly creased, no marks inside. $35 for both. Benetreau. L’Epitre aux Hebreux.

Young Ki Yu. “The New Covenant: The Promise and its Fulfilment: An Inquiry into the Influence of the New Covenant Concept of Jer 31.31-34 on Later Religious Thought with Particular Reference to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament.” Ph.D. thesis, University of Durham, 1989. Paperback copy printed, bound, and sold by British Thesis Service, British Library Document Supply Centre.  Pencil underlining throughout, small waterstain on back cover. $35.

Payment: Email me at

background of the New Testament
11Q13 - The Melchizedek Scroll
1QpHab - The Habakkuk Scroll
1QS - The Community Rule
Philo, The Life of Moses
Lucian, Alexander the False Prophet
Lucian, The Passing of Peregrinus
Seneca, On Providence
Shaye Cohen, From the Maccabees to the Mishnah
E.P. Sanders, Judaism: Practice and Belief 63 B.C.E.-66 C.E.

biblical studies class papers - NT
New Testament Scholars: Major Contributions by Topic
Review of Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament

Social-Science Criticism of the New Testament 
Rhetorical Criticism: History, Purpose, and Method (PDF)
Temporal Aspects of the Kingdom of God in the Gospels
Wealth in the Gospel of Luke
The Decree of the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15:29) Part 1: Literary Context Part 2: The Decree
Exegesis of Romans 11
Romans 13:1-7 and Christian Submission to Civil Government
   –Romans 13:1-7, Part Two
Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 12
Exegesis of 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Exegesis of Philippians 2:5-11 
Enthymemes in Hebrews (114 pages; 665 Kb PDF file)
Chiastic Analysis of the Epistle to the Hebrews, by John Bligh 
The Effective Offering of Jesus: An Analysis of Hebrews 10:1-10
     Hebrews 10:1-10, Textual Questions
     Hebrews 10:1-10, Lexical Details and Translation
     Hebrews 10:1-10, Bibliography

church history class papers
F.C. Baur's Theory of Church History of the First Three Centuries
Sabbath and Sunday in Early Christianity
Book review: Henry Chadwick, Early Christian Thought
Reaction paper: The Apostolic Fathers
Reaction paper: Athanasius
Reaction paper: Hilary, On the Trinity
Reaction paper: Augustine, Enchiridion
The Theological Legacy of Athanasius – His Theology and Role in Church History
     –Athanasius' Doctrine of Divinization       Fact sheet on Athanasius
Book review: William Estep, The Anabaptist Story
Church Discipline Among the Early Anabaptists in Central Europe
An outline of post-Reformation church history (109 KB, 73 pages)
A critique of D.F. Strauss and the Jesus Seminar

ministry class papers
Biblical Metaphors for the Church
An Introduction to Moral Development
Lay Ministry Development in Small Groups
Practical Strategies for Ministry
Reflections on Spirituality
Review of Christian Educator's Handbook to Spiritual Formation
Review of Nurture That Is Christian
Review of Teaching for Moral Growth
Theological Views of the Functions of the Church

ethics class papers
The Ethical Implications of Berith
Role of the Decalogue in Christian Ethics
Divorce and Remarriage
The Social Responsibilities of Christians
Response paper: Yoder and the jubilee year
Response paper: John and anti-Semitism
Response paper: homosexuality and ordination
Response paper: S. Hauerwas and the Bible
Review of D. Bonhoffer, The Cost of Discipleship
Review of J.J. Davis, Evangelical Ethics
Review of T. Ogletree, Use of the Bible in Christian Ethics
Review of J. Yoder, The Politics of Jesus
Review of H.W. House, Divorce and Remarriage: Four Views
Review of C. Keener, And Marries Another...

theology class papers
Scripture – Its Inspiration, Reliability and Authority
Timeless Truths in Cultural Clothing: The Authority of Scripture
Covenants in the Pentateuch and Their Relevance for Christians
Counting the Covenants: Lumpers and Splitters in the First Century
Theonomy: A Review and Critique of Greg Bahnsen
Theonomy: A Review and Critique of Barker and Godfrey
Theonomy: A Review and Critique of House and Ice
The Deity of the Holy Spirit
What Is “the Image of God”?
Review of R. Bultmann, Mythology and the New Testament
Review of G.E. Ladd, I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus
The Intermediate State in the Writings of G.E. Ladd
The Resurrection of Jesus: A History of Interpretation (75 Kb)

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