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De Home Page of De Two Tue Loves!!!!
(De Wallaby and De Mouse!)

This is a picture of de Mouse and de Wallaby!! Oh, oh!! So, so cute!!

Heddo. This is The Home (page!) of de Mouse and de Wallaby. Everything here is so, so cute!! Thazit, thazit....thazit, thazit!!! But, only de Mouse and de Wallaby can really understand just how cute it is. Everyone else will probably think that we are just disgusting!! (Thaz not it at all!!!! Not at all!!!)

Hi. I Mol.
This is Mol's very own homepage! He made it all by himself when JWee was sleeping!!!

The Ultimate Baby Voice List!!!
By: JWee and Rob

Our Littil Picture Gallery
de Mouse and de Wallaby took pictures of themselves and some of their littil friends and put them on this page!!

Disney, Disney, Going to Disney!!!
de Mouse and de Wallaby are going to DISNEY!!!

To My Love...
This is a page just for you, my love!!! I love you so, so much. You my love, dee dee dee!!!

The Psychic Wallaby!
Here, the Mighty, Psychic Wallaby will tell you what the future holds for de Mouse and de Wallaby!!!

Coo Misc. Stuff
We just have littil misc. pictures here right now.

A Few Links

TITANIC is THE ABSOLUTE BEST movie EVER!!! You HAVE to see it. . .but, be prepared to shed a few tears. . .

Anastasia - This is one of the best movies ever!!! De Mouse and de Wallaby have seen it twice!!!!
Blair Witch Project - This may not be as cute as the other links, but, it is INCREDIBLE!!
Towson University - This is where De Mouse and De Wallaby go to school!!!

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©1997, 1998, 1999 De Mouse and De Wallaby!!! (That is kind of cute, yeesh, my love?)

P.S. De Wee made this cute background! Isn't it coo?? :-)

P.P.S. De Wal~ made the cute littil main image!! He is so talented!