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Add a Johnny Banner to Your Web Page!

Please help spread the word about this great band by putting a Johnny banner/button on your web page! If you have trouble Email me for help.The following is an example of a Banner/button and the HTML needed to make it work.

The Html is as follows a href=""> IMG SRC="">

In the above example you would need to put a < in front of the a href and in front of IMG SRC to make it work.

The HTML is as follows A HREF=""> IMG SRC="" Height="90" Width="460"> /a>

In the above HTML example to make it work you need to put a < in front of the A HREF and a < in front of IMG SRC and a < in front of/a>.There is no space between. I was not able to do this or you would see the Johnny Banner twice instead of the HTML which makes it work!

Free Downloadable and Streaming Mp3's!

The HTML is as follows A HREF=""> IMG SRC="" Height="110" Width="710"> center>Free Downloadable and Streaming Mp3's! /a>

In the above HTML example to make it work you need to put a < in front of A HREF,IMG SRC, center and /a> There is no spaces in between.You may experiment with the Height and Width numbers to make it fit your page

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