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Hello, and thanks for stopping by my site.
I am usually on my computer when
I am not doing housework, yardwork,
shopping or just plain goofing off.

We have been married for 52
years, and we have two
beautiful grown children, a son
and daughter.
They both light up my life, and I am
so very proud of both of them,
and their families.

Our five grandchildren keep very busy and
most have computers and hobbies of
their own.

We live in a small town of about 600 at last
count, and that probably includes dogs and
cats. Very peaceful and quiet most of the
time. This is hubby's hometown, and he
wouldn't live anywhere else in this world.
Delaware will always be my home.

I would not have a computer if
it had not been for my son-in-law,
Alwho built this for me.
At the time he didn't know that
he was creating a "monster".
Now I get teased constantly
for using it so much.
But, guess what, I love it.

I am frequently on ICQ Chat, and
have met so many nice friends there.
We sure have a lot of fun chatting
and passing time. Believe me, time
sure does pass when we get together.
We Have learned many tips about
computers from each other.

Please have a "Wonder-Filled Day"

You may navigate through my Web pages
by clicking the arrow in the box below
and then click on "Go"
Please enjoy your visit!

My Family
Meet Some of My Friends
Canard Aviators Page
Ham Radio Site
My Friend Bernice's Site
AskJeeves Anything