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Dancin In The Shadows

Welcome to Dancin In The Shadows.

Me aka The Ego Trip

Pull up a chair and grab your favorite beverage. Warm yourself next to the fire or take a dip in the whirlpool which masquerades as my brain. When I have the time, I am one of those artistic type people =)
I love photography, cross-stitching, writing and too many other things to list here =)So I will be adding a link to another of my pages
As I continue to build these pages, I will add my work and other things I find of interest.
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip into the shadows....

If you get really bored, check out my new store, lol Shop


As I get the time, I will be making a book list and supplying the websites of some bands I know, for your enjoyment.
It will also give you a better picture of me and some of my thoughts =)Don't get in too deep, though. You might never leave here... Bwa ha ha
I am an eclectic in just about every part of my life, I think that if I had been born earlier and in a different body, I would have been known as a Renaissance Man... But, I was born too late... Playing with swords is a no-no in most places *sigh*


This is dedicated to Kalli and all the other wolves, both real and spiritual, who have been sacrificed needlessly.
It is also dedicated to those favorite children of our hearts who have passed on to which ever heaven you believe in. May they always howl at the moon and stay in our hearts.
For Spiritual Journeys click here