Align images

   <IMG SRC=""help2.gif" height=62 width=87 ALIGN=RIGHT>This is how to put the image on the right side of the text. Just put the image code and the text without any brake tags or paragraph between them the tag of the image will put things the way you want it on the right side of the text.RepeatThis is how to put the image on the right side of the text. Just put the image code and the text without any brake tags or paragraph between them the tag of the image will put things the way you want it on the right side of the text.


   <IMG SRC=""help2.gif" height=62 width=87 ALIGN=LEFT>This is how to put the image on the left side of the text. Just put the image code and the text without any brake tags or paragraph between them the tag of the image will put things the way you want it on the left side of the text.. Repeat This is how to put the image on the left side of the text. Just put the image code and the text without any brake tags or paragraph between them the tag of the image will put things the way you want it on the left side of the text.. 

   <img SRC="help2.gif" height=62 width=87 align=ABSBOTTOM>This is how to start the text from the bottom side of the image. Just put the image code and the text without any brake tags <BR> or paragraph  <P> between them, the tag of the image will put things the way you want it on the page


   <img SRC="help2.gif" height=62 width=87 align=CENTER>This is how to start the text at the center of the image. Just put the image code and the text without any brake tags or paragraph between them the tag of the image will put things the way you want it on the left side of the text.....

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