Problems with Images

Common Known Problems]

   The images don't work

  1. Check if your image is uploaded and in your directory in full highlight the name of the image and click on view button
  2. Check the spelling of the image's name. It has to be the same way it looks in your directory. David.gif is not the same as david.gif
  3. Check the location or path of the image. If your images in a subdirectory images your path would be images/name.gif notice there is no / slash before images. My directory address is and my images are in the subdirectory images this how I can link them
  4. Check the images format. The only two formats that work are .gif and .jpg . If your images other than these two formats, open the image in your image editor and save it as a gif or jpg. Upload the new image, don't forget to change the code on your page. If you are AOL user and using .art images you have to convert them to .gif format. art images only show in AOL browser and don't show in Netscape or IE.

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