Educator, Chemistry and Science Tutor

Scientific Writer and Editor & Engineering Consultant

Hampton Point Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20904, USA

Phone: +301-890-2512; e-mail: boylewm@yahoo.com


W.A. Boyle, 2019. The Laws of Thermodynamics and Information and Economics.  Largo, MD, October.

K. Tran and W.A. Boyle, 2019. THE HISTORY OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT.  Largo, MD, May.

J. Anjorin and W.A. Boyle, 2013. GOLD: ITS HISTORY, IMPORTANCE, AND CHEMISTRY.  Largo, MD, August.

W.A. Boyle, 1999. Sibling Rivalry.  Published on the web in Spanish in February 1999, and in English in April 1999.
This essay has been ranked in first place on the topic, in English and in Spanish (out of more than seven million websites on the topic worldwide) by the Google search engine  (2000 through 2007).  It is also ranked among the first places on the topic by several other major search engines.

W.A. Boyle and E. Turner (Eds.) 1997. Fortification of Corn Masa Flour with Iron and/or Other Nutrients. A Literature and Industry Experience Review. Contributors: R. Bressani, INCAP, Guatemala; L.W. Rooney and X. Quintero, Texas A&M University; and S.S. Serna Saldívar, ITESM, Monterrey, México.
SUSTAIN, 1400-16th Street NW, Washington DC, December. 
[View or download a PDF of this publication].

W.A. Boyle, A.H. Koblitz and N. Koblitz (Eds.) 1994. El Aborto: Su Impacto Médico y Social a Nivel Centroamericano. (Abortion: Its Medical and Social Impact in Central America). The Kovalevskaia Fund, 6547-17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98115, USA. 
[View or download a PDF of this publication]

W.A. Boyle, 1994. Development of a Computer Vision Fish Biomass Measurement Procedure for Use in Aquaculture.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, August.

W.A. Boyle, Á. Ásgeirsson and G.M. Pigott, 1993. Advances in the development of a computer vision fish biomass measurement procedure for use in aquaculture, in Wang, J.K. (Ed.), Techniques for Modern Aquaculture, Conference Proceedings. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085, p. 382-392.

W.A. Boyle, D.E. Seawright, R.G. Nielsen, G.E. Bledsoe and G.M, Pigott, 1993. Model preliminary engineering study for a Tilapia aquaculture facility using geothermal water, in Wang, J.K. (Ed.), Techniques for Modern Aquaculture, Conference Proceedings. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI 49085, p. 193-203.

W.A. Boyle, R.F. Buchholz, J.A. Neal and J.L. McCarthy, 1991. Flow injection analysis estimation of diffusion coefficients of pauci- and polydisperse polymers such as polystyrene sulfonates. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 42, p. 1969-1977.

W.A. Boyle, 1987. Taylor Dispersion Analysis for Estimation of Diffusion Coefficients and Molecular Weights of Polymers and Polymeric Mixtures such as Lignins, Master's Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, May.

W.A. Boyle, M. Dolk, M.P. Huynh, J.F. Yan, E.W. Kaler and J.L. McCarthy, 1985. Preliminary Characterization of Omega Lignin from Western Hemlock Wood. Proceedings of the 1985 International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Vancouver, Canada, Aug.

M. Dolk, W.A. Boyle, J.F. Yan, E.W. Kaler,E.W. and J.L. McCarthy, 1985. Preliminary Study of the Kinetics of Delignification of Hemlock Wood and the Homogeneous Aqueous Alkaline Hydrolysis of Hemlock Lignins", Proceedings of the 1985 Summer National Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Seattle, WA, Aug.

T.R. Boyle, R.F. Ferrufino and W.A. Boyle, 1984. Investigación Experimental sobre la Producción de Levadura Alimenticia a Partir del Jugo de Pulpa de Café en Régimen de Flujo Contínuo y Diseño y Evaluación Económica del Proceso a Escala Industrial" (Experimental Research on the Production of Edible Yeast from Coffee Pulp Juice and Design and Economic Evaluation of the Industrial-Scale Process), Memorias del Sexto Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería, San Salvador, El Salvador, Nov.

W.A. Boyle, B. Wines, J.A. Baker, L.N. Johanson and J.L. McCarthy, 1982. Evaporator Condensates: Continuous Bioprocessing of Simulated Sulfite Evaporator Condensates to Produce Single Cell Protein. TAPPI, Vol. 65, No. 11.

W.A. Boyle, 1982. Termodinámica, Ecología y Proceso Económico (Thermodynamics, Ecology and the Economic Process), Estudios Centroamericanos, ECA, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas", El Salvador, July. [An excerpt: The laws of thermodynamics.]

W.A. Boyle, 1982. Situación de las Industrias Químicas y Farmacéuticas y Consideraciones Sobre la Contaminación Ambiental en El Salvador (The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries' Situation and Considerations on Environmental Pollution in El Salvador), Tecnología y Ciencia, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas", El Salvador, Jan.

W.A. Boyle, 1981. Environmental Damage Potential from the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries in El Salvador, presented at the Program on Environmental Control in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, Ghent, Belgium, Sept.

W.A. Boyle, 1979. Biochemical Engineering Processing of Dilute Aqueous Acetic Acid Solutions to Produce Single Cell Protein, M.S.Ch.E. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Sept.

W.A. Boyle, C. Corletto and R.U. Oliva, 1976. Evaluación de la Contaminación por Metales Tóxicos en las Aguas Superficiales y Sedimentos de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Río Acelhuate y la Zona Metropolitana de San Salvador (Evaluation of the Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Waters and Sediments of the Acelhuate River Basin and San Salvador Metropolitan Area), B.S. Thesis, Universidad de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, Sept.



Bermúdez, S.E. and Guillén, G.G. La Industria Química en El Salvador. (The Chemical Industry in El Salvador), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad de El Salvador, (UES), Sept. 1984.

Ferrufino, R.F. and Boyle, T.R. Investigación Experimental Sobre la Producción de Levadura Alimenticia a Partir del Jugo de Pulpa de Café en Régimen de Flujo Contínuo y Diseño y Evaluación Económica del Proceso a Escala Industrial. (Experimental Research on the Production of Edible Yeast from Coffee Pulp Juice and Design and Economic Evaluation of the Industrial-Scale Process), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas," (UCA), Sept. 1984.

Medina, G.M., Sanabria, C.E. and Rodríguez, I.E. Evaluacion de Alternativas para el Desarrollo de la Industria de Aceites Esenciales en El Salvador, y Diseño de un Proceso de Producción Seleccionado. (Evaluation of Alternatives for the Development of the Essential Oils Industry in El Salvador and Design of a Selected Production Process), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas," Sept. 1984.

López, J.R. Investigación Experimental sobre la Producción de Levadura Alimenticia a Partir de Vinazas en Régimen de Flujo Contínuo y Diseño Preliminar del Proceso a Escala Industrial. (Experimental Research on the Production of Edible Yeast from Distillery Stillage in Continuous Flow Regime and Preliminary Design of the Industrial-Scale Process), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas," Sept. 1984.

Serrano, J.E. Alternativas de Procesamiento en el Desarrollo de Agro-Industrias en El Salvador. (Process Alternatives for the Development of Agro-Industries in El Salvador), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad de El Salvador, Oct. 1983.

Saade, R.F. Factibilidad Técnica y Económica de la Producción de Butanol y Acetona a partir de Licores Sacarificados del Olote. (Technical and Economic Feasibility for the Production of Butanol and Acetone from Corncob Saccharified Liquors), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas," Sept., 1982.

Cañas, C.G. Producción de Acido Acético a partir de Malanga Americana, Xanthosoma sagittifolium. (Production of Acetic Acid from Malanga, Xanthosoma sagittifolium ), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas," Sept. 1982.

Rivas, G.A. Deshidratación de Etanol por Medio de Adsorción con Adsorbentes No Convencionales. (Dehydration of Ethanol by Adsorption with Non-Conventional Adsorbents), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad de El Salvador, June, 1982.

Campos, A.F., Tévez, M.A. and Villacorta, I.G. Obtención de Biogás a Partir de Jacinto Acuático, Eichhornia crassipes. (Production of Biogas from Aquatic Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes ), Chemical Engineering B.S. Thesis, Universidad de El Salvador, Nov., 1980.

February 2015
