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Our Wedding Story

It has been days since our wedding.


I created this page prior to our wedding with the intent that it would be used for posting up the pictures from our wedding. Well, since then I haven't got very far with that but instead I've changed it in to a kind of Chronological Record of "Our Wedding Story". I'm expecting that I will get the wedding photos up here soon but I have no real idea at this writing when that will be (Today's date...5/17/01)

Our marriage

Lil' Susan and I were married on July 22, 2000 @1:00 PM EST at St. Bernadette's Catholic Church in Silver Spring, Maryland. Since then we have traveled a long way but we finally found a home here in San Antonio, Texas. Here is the story of how we came to be together.

How we first met

Well, since I'm telling the story...this is how it went... first a little background information on the whole thing... In January 1995, after serving as a helicopter mechanic for 7 long years, I made a tough decision to leave the U.S. Navy for a better life (It wasn't THAT difficult of a decision). Without anywhere to go, I decided to use my GI Bill money and attend Fort Lewis College in Durango Colorado to study Architectural Engineering. Two of the reasons that I chose this college? #1 because my sister was already going there and #2, because Fort Lewis College offeres a tuition waiver due to all Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Members. So anyway, I left sunny San Diego and headed for Durango, Colorado. In February of 1995 I got involved with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES). This is when I met Susan and our relationship/friendship all began. (The AISES Southwestern Regional Conference that was hosted at Fort Lewis College) So, I remember that as being the very first time that we actually met each other (of course her version is a little different). Anyway, I saw her in the Native American Center after the AISES conference and we began talking. From that point on we have always been friends.

How we got engaged

Susan came to visit me in June 1999 before leaving for the Navy and she figured out how much I truly love her. I asked her to marry me and she said, "Yes" without even thinking about it, so I concluded that she felt the same way about me and so we decided to get married.

What we did next

Well, since Susan was already planning to go into the Navy at this time, we decided that we would wait to get married for about one year. In the meantime, we talked about getting engaged and finally I decided that I'd better make it "official". So, I asked Susan to marry me at Brookside Gardens on the 25th of September (two days before she was due to leave to go to Navy Boot Camp).

Our decision to elope

Today's date (Wednesday, August 12, 2009) Ok, so we decided that we wanted to get married but Susan was in boot camp in Great Lakes. Kira typed this part...."and then susan sent a message to me that said oh baby"