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Hope In A Dark World

The world is a frighting place to live in these days. Just turn on the news and you hear about wars and people starving. Is there hope? Is there any goodness? Yes my friend there is Hope. It is not found in money or success. As you may already know. True fulfillment and peace is found in one place. It is found in Jesus. You may say yeah right. But please hear me out. What have you got to lose? Jesus came to this earth nearly two thousand years ago to bring us life. He came to fix a problem that mankind has been dealing with since the creation of the world. That problem is sin. God came to this earth to make everything right. He came as a human and His name was Jesus. Why did He come? He came because we could not save ourselves. So He died on a cross to take away our sins. The only way we could save ourselves is if we were perfect. But none of us are perfect because we are born into sin. Jesus was perfect though and He sacrificed Himself for us. All we have to do is accept His offer. He wants to fill us with peace. He loves us so very much. More than we can imagine. He has done all He can do. It is our job to put our faith in Him and trust what He did on the cross. It is that simple. Just trust that when Jesus died on the cross He took away your sin. And after three days he rose again. It is so easy that many people just dont believe it can be that easy. But it is my friend. Just ask God to save you. Ask Jesus to come into your heart. He wants to save you so much. He died for you. He loves you. If you were the only person alive He would have went to the cross for you. God does not want anyone to be lost and go to Hell. Trust in Jesus and you will never be the same. That gap that is in your heart will be filled. His Holy spirit will come and live in your heart to comfort and guide you. Jesus is the only way to be saved. There is no other. If you have asked Jesus into your heart,tell someone you trust. Find a bible believing church. And if you have a bible read John. That is an account of Jesus life on earth. If you have any questions you can email me or go to one of my links. Remember friend God loves you!

My Favorite Links

RBC ministries: A quality site with resources to help you
A Huge Awe Bible Gateway:If you dont have a bible check this out
In Touch ministries: this site is very good
Angelfire: Easiest Free Homepages
AAA Maltida: a place for world wide search
