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IMPORTANT:THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL!! NONE OF IT IS TRUE, ALL THE CHARACTER'S ARE FAKE, NOT THE HANSON'S, BUT YOU KNOW. AND SOME OF THE LANGUAGE IS VULGAR, AND THE ACTIONS, SO PLEASE DON'T COMPLAIN. THIS WOULD BE RAITED PG-13 TO ALL OF YOU. SO PLEASE ENJOY, AND IF YOU LIKE IT ALOT, PLEASE POST IT, AND SEND IT TO ALL OF YOUR FELLOW HANSON WORSHIPERS TO PUT ON THEIR PAGE TOO. I WOULD REALLY APPRICIATE IT. I WANT THIS ONE TO BE SEEN, THANKS ALOT. ok--there has been a couple people e-mailing me telling me that part two is alot like Tulsa 74132. for your information, I didn't even write part two. my best friend wrote it, and she doesn't even have a computer. so please stop complaining and just enjoy the story. I don't mean to hurt anyone so please understand. thanks, HAVE AN MMMBOPIN' DAY! ~JEN~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Isaac walked out of his front door with his dad's car keys hoping that he could leave with no one seeing him. "hey Ike, whatcha doin'?" Taylor startled him coming from the back of the house "just going for a ride." "can I come?" ", I kinda wanted to be alone."he said getting in the drivers seat. "pppllleeeaaassseee?"Taylor pleeded. "NO!" he yelled driving down the driveway. he peacefully drove down the street untill he saw her house. turning in he stopped the engine. climbing out he looked up at the large stone house. 'here we go' he thought. walking up with his hands in his pocket he slowly reached the door. he knocked on it lightly, it swung open. a 10 or 11 year old boy stood there. "Is Amy home?"he asked. suddenly she appeared. "hi Isaac." she said in the sweetest voice he had ever heard. "ok Bailey, you can go now." she said pushing her little brother aside and inviting Ike in. "you want a drink?"she asked. "sure" Amy walked over to her fridge and pulled out 2 sodas. Isaac watched her as she did. her tiny little body in a little navy-t and khaki shorts. her blond hair she brushed out of her face. "here you go"she said snapping him from his tranze. he looked into her violet eyes. "so what brings you here?"she asked. "just thought I'd stop by, hadden't seen you latley." "oh, I see." she said joining him on the couch. ********************************************************************************** the phone rang at the hanson's. "I GOT IT! hello?"Zac answered. "hey Zacie, wanna come over?" it was his cute little girlfriend. "sure Ivy. just let me change. I'll be right there. just let me change" he hung up then ran into his room where Tay was lying on his bed. Zac pulled his shirt over his head and put on a clean white one. "what are you doing?" Taylor asked. "going to Ivy's"he said. Taylor rolled his eyes."what's wrong with you?"Zac asked. "nothing, go have fun."Tay said. "ok, bye!"Zac ran out the back door and to across his back yard to Ivy's house. he went to the back door. Ivy's older sister Kristin answered. "hi Zac." she said letting him in. he walked into where Ivy was sitting. "where's Taylor these days?"she asked looking out the window at the hanson's house. "laying at home."he said. "well, you two behave, I'll be back."she said walking out the door and tward Tay's house. *********************************************************************************** "hey."Amy said giggling. "stop it Ike."she squeeled as Isaac tickeled her. they feel onto the floor as Ike was ontop of her looking down at her. she smiled that beautiful smile. Ike leaned forward and kissed her. she kissed back, then sat up. "wow"she said. Isaac had had a smirk grin on his face as he pinned her back down. "Amy?" they quickly sat up as Amy's mom, Mrs. Thomas glaired at them. "can you watch Bailey for me?" "sure mom."she said standing up. Amy's mom walked out the screen door. "I think you better go."she said to Isaac. "ok, call me."Ike said letting himself out. "will do."she said smiling.


Krisrin was greeted at the hanson's house by Jessica. "Tay's in his room."she said pointing at the open door. "thanks"she said. she walked into the open doorway and knocked on the door. "hello?"she asked. Taylor sat straight up."hi Kristin."he said. she sat down beside him. "I know were really not good friends, you going out with Hannah and everything,"she said. "no, I dumped her."he said. "you did?"Kristin asked surprised. Kristin had known Taylor because her younger sister Ivy, and Tay's brother Zac had liked each other. Kristin's worst enemy Hannah, had been with him for a while. Taylor smiled at her. "she was getting annoying."he said. kristin laughed, "Ialways thought do."she said. "so are you and Jake still dating?"he asked. "nope, he dumped me."she said looking at the ground. "oh, I'm sorry."he said putting his hand on her sholder. she looked up at him. she always thought he was good looking. Taylor on the other hand never noticed Kristin's beauty. he was always worried about pleasing Hannah. The way Kristin's Hazel eyes sparkled. he liked it. And her spiral auburn hair layered her face. she looked cute to him in her little tight marroon shirt which made her breasts look twice her size. and her short jean shorts made Taylor look at her legs. her best friend was Amy, which Taylor ALWAYS had the biggest crush on. who also seemed to be Isaac's best friend latley. ******************************************************************************** Ivy picked up a controler to her playstation and threw it at Zac. "tomb raider." he said taking his shoes off and making himself comfortable. Ivy stood up and grabbed the milk carton off the counter and chugged it. "damn, your not the girl I thought you were."Zac said. she leaned over ans kissed him. "well, yeah, I guess you are." she laughed and sat back. "well hello Zachary."Mrs. Thompson said carrying a load of laundry in a basket "hello Mrs. Thompson, how are you on this glorious afternoon?"he said politly. "pretty good." Zac and Ivy continued their game.


Isaac woke up the next morning and looked down. Zac wasn't there. the clock read 10:45. he jumped down from his top bunk and saw that Tay was gone too. he picked up his pad of paper and began to write. the phone rang. "Hello?"Taylor answered the phone from down stairs. "hi Tay, Is Ike there?" "Amy, hi, hold on a sec."Taylor felt a rush of maddness over him. "CHEWY!"he yelled. Ike picked up the phone. "Isaac Hanson speaking." "hey Ike. wanna come over? my mom took Bailey to his basketball game." "cool, yeah, let me get dressed, I'll walk."he hung up the phone. "what did she want?"Taylor asked walking in on Ike taking off his shirt. "some guy's #."Isaac said quickly covering his lie. he pulled on his black airwalks and tied them. "where ya going?"Zac asked walking in still in his pajamas. "for a walk, or to shoot some hoops."he said standing and heading for the door. "I'll be down in a sec."Zac said. "NO! I mean, no, I kinda wanna be alone."he said. "you seem to want to be alone alot latley."Taylor said. "well, that's the way I am."Isaac said walking out the door. "no you aren't."Taylor said under his breath. ***************************************************************************** Ike finally reached Amy's driveway. she ran out her front door to greet him. "hi!"she said in a happy voice kissing him on his cheek. she grabbed his hand and lead him inside. they entered her house and went to the couch. sitting on the floor, Amy layed back, "where were we?"she asked as Ike leaned over her. "I think we were here..."he said kissing her. she put her arms arround his neck and pulled him down. he fell ontop of her. she giggled as he lifted himself and staired down into her beautiful violet eyes. the smiles faded off of their faces and Amy lifted herself up just a bit and kissed his bottom lip. "I really like you." she whispered. "I do too."Ike said rolling off of her. she layed on her side and fiddled with his curly hair. "you know my mom doesn't like you."she said looking away. ***************************************************************************** Taylor walked out of his back door and across his back yard seeing Kristin sitting on a hill in her back yard drawing, he walked up slowly. taken by her beauty he stopped. he never saw her like this, she never seemed so pretty. she had her hair in a loose ponytail, a fiew curls coming down by her eyes. she was wearing a sundress and sandals. "Kristin." "hi Tay,"she jumped to her feet and looked at him. "hi, can I join you?"he asked. "sure." she sat back down and he sat next to her. he layed back on the hill next to her. "pretty day."he said quietly. "yeah." They sat in silence for a while and then Kristin turned to Taylor and looked into his eyes. "wanna go for a walk?"she asked. "sure."she took his hand to help him up, and when she turned to walk, he didn't let go. a smile crossed her face. she knew he liked Amy, he asked her out almost 10 times in the begining of the year. but she never thought he'd feel anything tward her. they walked in silence untill Tay spoke up. "so.."he started. "so."she said. Taylor stopped and looked at her. ********************************************************************************* Zac walked out of his front door and picked up the basket ball on the ground and threw it into the hoop. "nice shot."came a voice from behind his house."oh, hi scared me."he said. "sorry."she said taking the ball from him and shooting it. "you busy?"she asked sitting down on the pavement. "nope, you always come to see me at the perfect times."he said sitting. Ivy sat next to him and kissed his cheek. "that's what I'm here for, to make you happy."she said smiling. Zac layed across her lap and looked up at her. "ya know Ivy..."he said. "yes Zacie?" "I've never felt this way about anyone, I really like you."he said shyly. "I feel the same way Zac....I think I love you."she said stairing down at him. a strand of her wavy strawberry blond hair blew in her face. he reached up and brushed it aside. "Ithink I love you too."he whispered. ***************************************************************************** Amy reasured Isaac with a kiss. "she won't keep us appart Ike, I won't let her."she said sitting up. he looked away. "I'm sorry."she said laying her head on his chest. he couldn't stand it. smelling her hair made him crazy. he kissed the top of her head. "Idon't wanna loose you."he said. "like I lost Malorie."he trembled as he felt a lump in his throat. "shhh"she put a finger on his lips. she quieted him with another kiss. "I've always had this feeling about you, even when you were with Malorie."she said solftly. Malorie Johnson was Isaac's girlfriend for three years, untill her mom thought that Ike pushed her too far, which he didn't. the snuck out to see eachother alot, untill she made them move. she never even said goodbye. she just left him.


Taylor tossed and turned. he couldn't seem to sleep. looking at the clock, sweat poured down his face. 2:16 why couldn't he sleep?? he knew why, something was up. Isaac for one thing, he was lying to him and Tay knew it. but something else was wrong.....or right. the last time he felt this way was when Amy made eye contact with him at a gig. could he be in love? he couldn't keep his mind off Kristin's smile. and the was she looked at him. was this right? he didn't know, but this feeling was taking over him quickly, and he didn't know how to react. ****************************************************************************** Amy sneaked out her front door, 'finally.'she thought. tiptoeing down the sidewalk she glanced at he watch. it was almost 8:30.she began to run. she was going to meet Isaac. when she finally got to the dead end of the street she saw him. standing alone. smiling she ran and wrapped her arms arround his neck. "hey Ikey poo!"she said. he turned arround and lifted her up off the ground." "I missed you."he said kissing her solftly. "I missed you more."she whispered. They both laid upon the grass and watched the sun rise. ******************************************************************************** Zac awoke quickly at 9:00.getting up he got dressed running back and forth to wash his face, brush his teeth, etc. within' all of that he awoke Taylor. "what are you doing?"Tay asked. "going to the mall in 20 min."he said running out the door. "RING RING" "hello?"Taylore answered the cordless sleepily. "hi Tay, did I wake you?"it was Kristin. "no Kris, my brother did. it's ok, so what's up?"standing up and walking to th mirror."what's up?"he asked "nothing much. you wanna come over?"she asked "sure." "see, my dad's at work, my mom's going shopping and Ivy's going to the mall with Zac."she said quickly. "oh, ok. sure"he said. "HURRY!"she yelled hanging up. 'what? hurry? why?'tay thought. he quickly jumped into his clothes. as he finished he ran out the backdoor. across the backyard he scurried wondering. 'why does Kristin want me to hurry?'he kept asking himself untill she reached her front door. Kristin greeted him cheerfully. Tay couldn't beleive his eyes. he'd never seen her like this. her hair was worn down and spiraly, arround her face. her shirt was up to her ribbs, exposing her perfectly flat stomach. her shirts practically went up her butt. she had on platform shoes to match her white top. "come in."she said taking his hand. he didn't seem to be able to shut his mouth. "don't stare."she said politly. he looked at her face, eye makeup and everything. "how couldn't I?"he asked sitting by her on the couch, she giggled. "why are you dressed like this?"he asked her. "why shouldn't I?"she sounded dissapointed. "nit that it's bad."she smiled and kissed his cheek. "what was that for?"he asked blushing. "for being your sweet self."she said with a smile. he scooted closer, as she did the same. they heard a honk out the front of the house and a trample down the stairs, they quickly split appart. then as Kristin heard the car pull away she scooted closer to taylor. Tay put his arms arround her, slowly she ended up kinda laying on him. she looked up into his eyes, "I like you Tay."she said shyly. "me too."he replied. "you like yourself?"she asked jokingly. they both laughed. "no, I mean, I like you."he said quietly. she twirled a strand of blond hair arround her finger. "did it hurt?"she asked. "huh?"he was confused."did it hurt?"she repeated herself. "did what hurt?" "when you fell from heaven."he blushed and turned away. she took his chin and turned it, pressing her lips to his. he was sure better that Jake was in her eyes. ********************************************************************************* Isaac slowly opened his eyes. 'oh shit'he thought. "Amy."he whispered. she was laying on his chest. "we fell asleep."he said. "I noticed."she said sitting up. They were laying in the grass by a couple of trees at the dead end road. "you gotta go?"Isaac asked. "not yet it's only...."she looked at her watch. "9:32, my mom won't even notice till ten. and I'll tell her I got out to take a walk if I get caught up and stay later."she said smiling. "oh do I love you."he said pinning her down. they both stopped. she looked deep into his eyes. "what?"she practically choked, tears filled her eyes. "I think I love you."he said solftly. "really?"a single tear fell down her cheek. "I know your only 15, and Taylor likes you but..." "just shut up."she said kissing him deeply. "I love you too."she finally said breathless. ************************************************************************************* Zac and Ivy both hopped out of the backseat of Mr.Hanson's car. "I'll be back in an hour you 2."he said as he drove away. Ivy took Zac's hand as they entered. "NINTENDO WORLD!"they both yelled running to the biggest store there. Ivy went to some sega game and began to play it. she was surprised when she felt Zac put his arms arround her waist. he put his nose into her neck and watched her play. she smiled as she felt his breath on her sholder. suddenly she she dropped the controler. "what are you doing??"Zac yelled as she spun arround wrapping her arms arround him. she kissed him. "you were winning ya know."he said as they both laughed. Arm in arm, they flirted arround the mall. Within 45 min, Mr.Hanson was there waiting for them in the parking lot ready to go.


Kristin awoke and looked at her clock ready to barf. she quickly got up and put on some shorts. she knew what her problem was. slowly she climbed out her window and down the drain pipe. running across her back yard, she went to the boy's bedroom window. she tapped lightly. waiting.....she finally was face to face with Tay. "hi."she whispered. "what are you doing here! it's 4 in the morning."he whispered. "I know, sorry, but I just can't stop thinking about yesterday."she said. "me neither."whispered Taylor.he turned arround and threw on a sweat shirt and climbed out. he shut the window and took her hand. "Are you happy about what we did?"he asked as they walked down his backyard. "well.....are you?"she asked. "in point of view, yeah. I've never really felt this way about a girl before."he said quietly. she squeezed his hand. "does it feel good?"asked Kristin. "yes" they walked up to the tree house and sat and just talked for a while. then finally tay layed on his side. he patted the floor for her to lay down. so she did. he wrapped his arms arround her waist and nuzzled his nose into her hair. they slowly drifted off to sleep. ******************************************************************************** Avery ran to the knock at the door. Ivy stood there. "hi Ivy, Zac's down stairs."she said pointing inside. Ivy smiled as she saw Zac playing super nintendo. "hi Zacie."she said. sitting next to him. "oh, hey babe."he said reaching down to turn it off. "you were on level 4!"she yelled. "I know."Zac replied pulling her close and kissing her. "let's go to a place where we can be alone."he whispered as their noses were still touching. "ok."said Ivy jumping up. they walked out the back door and began to reach the tree house when they heard Krisrin giggle. "Tay?"Zac yelled. "OH, hi."he said peaking his head through the window. "Is Kris up there?"Ivy asked. "yes!" Kristin said sitting up and looking out. Zac climbed up as Ivy followed. "we were wresling, it was so funny."Kristin said. "oh, ha, ha."Zac and Ivy gave each other doubtfull looks. Kristin smoothed out her shirt and walked out. Taylor came too. as they reached her house, Taylor began to laugh. "wresling? ahahahah!"he took her hand as they walked inside. ********************************************************************************* Isaac slowly crept up to Amy's window. he looked inside surprised to see her taking off her shirt at the moment. "pssst!" she spun arround. "IKE!"she whisperedwalking over to the window, "nice bra."he said. "thanx."she blushed then pulled a t-shirt over her head. "what are you doing here?"she asked. "to see you silly!" Amy walked over and turned on her radio pretty loud, then locked her door. climbing out of her window, Ike took her tiny waist in his hands and helped her down. she took his hand and they walked back nito the woods behind her house. sitting by a big oak tree, Amy pulled Isaac beside her. she smiled and kissed him. teasing her with her toung she wrapped her arms arround his neck pulling him close. his hands lifted her shirt a bit, she backed away a little, and he removed them. better for know, he decided to stay ontop of her shirt. he kissed her cheek, then neck, then ear lobe. "Ireally love you Isaac Hanson."she whispered. "I love you too Aim."he said solftly into he ear. they ended up in a session where they couldn't let go. but they had to. Amdy was finally able to let go, go back home and climb through her window. her mom didn't even notice she was missing.


Zac dialed Ivy. "hey Iv, my parents are taking us to the movies, wanna come?"he asked. "sure!"she said. "tell her to ask Kristin if she wants to come!"Tay telled from the other end of the kitchen. "I think my bro has a thing for my sister."Zac whispered. "same here, tell him she's coming."Ivy said then hung up. "come on Isaac!"Diana called. "no thanks mom, I've got some stuff I need to get done."he said "suit yourself."she walked out the door. Ike picked up the cordless. "Amy?" "hey Ike! what are you doing?"she asked "you wanna come over? everyone went to the movies."he said excitedly. "wow, 2 hours together. sorry hun, my mom wants me to watch Bay. you go and have a good time."Amy said. "oh, I can't, they left."he explained. "oh! I'm sorry sweetie!!I wish I could."she said. "it's ok, see you tomarrow?"Isaac asked. "how bout tonight, at the dead end."she said. "sure, see ya arround 8."they then hung up. ********************************************************************************* "Ivy come on!"Zac grabbed her hand and ran twards the front as the previews were just starting. "were gonna sit here."Mrs Hanson pointed to a couple seats in the middle. "k mom, were just gonna sit back here."Taylor said pointing tward the back. Him and Kristin went to the back row where the whole row was open. "ladies first."Tay said motioning for her to go in. "why thank you."Kristin went over about 5 seats and then sat down as Taylor sat beside her. the movie started and Kristin seemed to feel someone watching her. she glanced at Tay who haden't even looked at the screen once. she smiled then leaned in and kissed him. they both giggled and Taylor took her hand. butterflies were swooming in her stomach as he kissed her ear lobe. "Tay?!!"she whispered. "sorry,"he said, "it was just sitting there."she smiled and kissed his. "Kris?!!"he mocked her. "just shut up."she said and kissed his lips solftly. short sweet kisses turned into long wet smooches. Finally Tayles made a move on her. he layed his hand on her bare thigh. she didn't seem to mind, it just made her kisses deeper. ***************************************************************************** Zac slid his arm arround Ivy."Zac, your parents can see us ya know."she said. "then slide down."he said scooting downward in his seat.she did too. Zac kissed her once. "what do you think Tay and Kris are doing right about now?"Ivy asked. "probably making out."Zac said laughing. "that's not a bad thing is it?"Ivy asked as she leaned over and kissed him. he felt her lips open and followed her lead.first they had no clue what to do, then Zac remembered what his brothers said. so he used some tounge. Time went so fast, they didn't even know the movie was over. Getting up they joined hands. Tay reached for Kristin's hand, but remembered that no one knew about them yet, so he stopped and frowned. ***************************************************************************** Isaac glanced at the clock on the wall for the third time. finally, it had reached 7:50. he got up and jotted down a note to his parents that he went for a walk. walking out the front door he smiled as he pranced down the sidewalk in excitment. he couldn't wait to hold Amy in his arms again. He finally saw her red sweater by a tree. He jogged over to her and wrapped his arms arround her waist and lifted her to his height. he kissed her sweet lips gently. "I missed you Ike."she said solftly. "we have to do something about this."he said letting go of her. "I know well......what?"she said sitting down on the curb. "I don't know, but I have to be with you Amy"he kissed her forehead. " mom's getting remarried."she explained. "that's great!"he said. "well, not exactly. he lives in Oklahoma City. and that means we'd have to move." she said teary. "NO! I won't let you Amy. we definatly have to do something about this." Amy's dad left them when he found out that her mom was pregnant with Bailey, her younger brother. so she raised them both herself. without a husband, she was pretty strict. and now she was getting remarried, to the man that Amy hates the most. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ok all, if you wanna read the rest of my story, go to part two. it'll have chapters 7 probably till the end. If you wanna help out with this story, please e-mail me at the bottom of the page. thanks! happy reading!


TRUE LOVE part two
