With Death You Betrayed me

I thought you promised till my death
to love me?
I remember all your kisses seeming so
sweet and
Your eyes, I trusted so, so much.
I took your hand to lead me to the
end of life
s road.
Now, where are you?

So far away.
It hurts to know I
ll never be with
you again.
Angry, saddened, and lost.
I feel them all.
So, confused, I don
t know what to
do with myself.
I cannot trust any other.
I ignore hearing
my love is real
you can trust me.
Trust barely lingers in any heart-
seeker and love
Love is nothing, now.
For you were love but you are gone.
Your promises I once held in my heart,
but you took them with you when you
The day you decided life was too
tough and you wouldn
t have been
able to bring my dreams to me.
You could have, but now what do I
find in the future?
Loneliness, and memories of you and
the thoughts

The thoughts of how much you may
have really been suffering.
I could
ve helped you.
We could have made it together.
ve left me here alone, and I
hate you for doing so.
Still, you will always be my only
With death you betrayed me

©1998-1999 By Ashley Hamm. This poem was written by Ashley Hamm and may not be copied in anyway.
If found to be copied or stolen the theif will have his or her hands cut off and their eyes will be ripped from their head
