Good Evening...This is Grim's Mind

Hey, you are awesome for being here. Thanx for coming and welcome to my page. I have a little bit of everything here so I hope you like and visit often! I update this page every once in awhile. I have a new linked homepage that I update at least once a week: PunKLeopard's Jungle.

A little about a me: I am an 18 year old (Aries) female Anarchist with long bangs and short (color always changes) hair, blue eyes. I live in a small place in Western Maryland. Someday I shall be outta here and settling in Pittsburgh (Go Steelers & Pirates) but also traveling everywhere!!!! At the bottom of this page is a link to my index page which will help you look through-out my site. Anyway, I'll just finish with a little opinion:

This world needs to lay off

The Government can go to H E L L!!!!!!!

(lame-ass anarchy page)


(Though I failed on this belief...)

(My sXe pages)


Yeah! I have a page that has a link to every
part of my cyberhome so wherever you wanna
go you don't have to search for it!

The Great Index Page

I have a fonts page to help you get
only some of the fonts I use instead of downloading them
all. PLEASE be sure to check it out so my page
looks kewl and you get more from my poetry!
Some fonts aren't listed considering that
I've used so many and couldn't keep
the update on the font page, but on the page a
font is used there should be a link to get the
font from my page.

Midi files are on these pages:
This page obviously
Country Music
Soft Rock Music
My Green Day Page
The poem: His Song Is My Song, Too
The poem: Darling, Where Are You?
And I'm not sure where else.

A kik ass banner made for me!!! Use this to link me
from your page. I'd like to thank Red who made
this awesome banner for me. Make sure you check
out his page!!!! Just click the banner below:


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using one form!

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page as a Starting Point Hot Site

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Fonts used on this page:

Linked Pages

GO HERE FIRST: Get My Web Page's Fonts!
Go to the index to search through my cyberhome.
