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Gojita's DragonBall Z Homepage

This is my first DBZ homepage (actually my first homepage period) , and is under construction so bear with me. DragonBall Z is the best anime/manga out there. The main characters are Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha. There are about a million other characters I'm not going to name. This page is mainly going to be about FUSHION. Fushion is when 2 saiyans "fuse" or join together to make one ultra-powerful person. There can be many variations, depending on how the fushion is performed. In on episode, Goku taught Vegeta how to fuse, but Vegeta messed up and they became a fat dude who couldn't fight (he could fart though). Finally they became Gojita (my name), who defeated the enemy without hardly trying.
The episode when Gojita was first made.
Welcome to my DragonBall Z web page. This is my first one so bear with me. I will try to make this place a nice as possible. Dragon Ball Z is a very popular anime show. It is becoming very popular in the US. DragonBall Z is divided into 3 parts. The first part, airing in the US now, DragonBall Z ,part I. Then there is part II. And the new one (only in Japan) is Dragon Ball GT. If you have a known link or any thing that would help my site, please email me
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