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Show Reviews Written Only By Fans

2/25/2000 @ The Barn in Oakland Mills

Fugular Comority played their first ever show this past Friday, at The Barn in Columbia. Considering that this was the bands first show, and half of the guys had never even played a show before, this was an awesome performance. Even without considering that, it was still awesome.

20 Second -
They opened the show with 20 second, the second track on their six song demo. When I listened to the CD a few times in the days leading up to the show, this song struck me as one that was made to be played live. It definitely lived up to that impression. This song really fits well near the beginning of a set. The guys seemed to be dead on, right from the start.

Build -
Before the song started Todd requested the aid of Ryan Hammer on vocals during the prechorus and chorus, the first time that he really talked. To me, this is one of those few songs that defines a band. I have known this song for ages, since before a bass and drums were even added to it. It has had some changes to it since then, that were for the better. If their was any doubt about it being for the better, then it was answered here. This song just flat out rocks live.

Keeping the Hat On -
This song sounded really good live. Normally this song does not really stand out from the rest, but live, it sounded really good for some reason. The drums and bass really added a lot to the chorus on the live version.

An All American Car Loving Analogy For My Crappy Love Life -
This was one of the few times, maybe the only time, during the set, that I thought the song could have been improved upon. It seemed that Todd had trouble keeping up with the pace of the song, which is not an easy task with how fast it is. But even so, this song was high energy, and continued the tone that they set for the entire night.

Silver Circle Satisfied -
This song sounded really good. The guitar sounded awesome, and the bass and drums just made the driving force behind this song ever stronger. Add in Todd's work on vocals, and this song was surprisingly good.

Earn -
Wait...a song that practically ends under 3 minutes???? (The outro starts at 2:33 and goes till 3:45) I did not think that these guys were capable of that. But maybe they should do it a little more often, cause this song was awesome. There was a little feedback that took away a little from the guitar part, but not enough to take away from how awesome this song is. These drums on this song make every kid want to be a drummer when they grow up.

Medium -
This could very easily be their best song, and live, it is no different. A saddening ballad that builds up to a rockin' screaming ending. From Todd's haunting vocals, to the reflective sounding guitar, to the bass and drums which fit the mood of this song perfectly, this song is amazing. When it is played live, these guys take to an all new level.

Slap in the Face -
"All the gays knowing just what to do." Well I know what I want to do when this song is played. I want to dance. Not mosh, not crowd surf, but dance. This song is so awesome. It seemed to get a really big reaction from the crowd, maybe the best of the night.

Pajama Song -
There were chants of this song throughout the night, and finally it was played. But not before Todd warned the crowd that he made this decision, not them. "We are playing this because it's on the set list, not because of the requests. BECAUSE WERE ROCK STARS AND YOUR NOT." Well, actually, that last sentence I made up, but who cares. I could tell that's what he meant. Todd also said before the song that we would have to forgive him for the lyrics because "we were all in 9th grade at one point." I have to admit, I never was a fan of this song, but it has grown on me lately. The live performance of it just helped it grow on me. The song is simple, but catchy, one you will find yourself singing about ten minutes later for the rest of the day.

Old Man Me -
Everything about this song is awesome. The lyrics, I am sure hit right at home with more people than just me. The crunchy guitar and the bass are just plain rockin', and the drums just thump straight to your spine in an oddly enjoyable way. However, if there is one song that doesn't really strike you as better live than on the cd, it is this one. It's not worse than the cd by any means, but it just is not better. However, some bands out there today(creed) cant even match their cd version live, so just doing that is an accomplishment.

Everybody Hurts -
Well they were asked for an encore after Old Man Me, so they winged this one. They had not practiced it in a while, but it was good considering that. Todd seemed to be looking back at the rest of the guys during it, as if they were unsure where to take it next. But hey, I am not giving them any crap because it was a good cover even if they had practiced it lately.

This show was awesome. I can't wait until their next one. Its pretty awesome to think that they are only gonna get better.

-Written By Pat Holden

4/14/2000 @ Lindsey's Backyard

Fug introduced a new song (SureFire) tonight that I really liked. Once Todd polishes his vocals, that song could be amazing. Fug put on a pretty cool show and got into the music more this time with Todd bouncing and Josh doing an occasional jump (as well as playing part of Keeping The Hat On with his guitar behind his head). About half way through, they borrowed Swell 36's bassist, while Brian played guitar, to cover Smashing Pumpkins' "Mayonaise". They could have benifitted from a set list that they followed, but that still sorta went with the laid back atmosphere of the show.

-Written By Josh Saber

Well, I only wanted to have one person write for each show, but when someone sends it to you on their own, how can you refuse?

Fugular Comority seemed a lot more relaxed at this show. Instead of standing a little uncomfortably at the mic, Todd was jumping around. 20 Second seems to be stapled as the opener for these guys, which is not a bad choice. One of the more amusing points of the set was when Todd blatently forgot more then half of the words to Keeping the Hat On. Medium was once again a highlight. They covered Mayonaise by the Smashing Pumpkins, with Brian switching to guitar, and the Swell 36 bassist playing bass. Mayonaise sounded really good, and was a nice supirse. They closed with Slap in the Face, which was cool and freestylin' at the end again. Todd worked "Me, Me, Me, Me, Me and My Genitals" into the end of Slap in the Face. All in all, a good show. The band seemed to be a little more relaxed this time, which is natural.
-Written By Pat Holden

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