Bye, Bye, Teresa's Oblivion

Tuesday, January 23, 2001

Well, I suppose this was bound to happen sooner or later, my dears. Angelfire + Teresa = bad times.

I'm closing the door to the site we (I) once loved and knew so well. *Sniffle*. I don't believe many people cared for it that much anyway - I got more hatemail than I did otherwise for it, but I'm not being bitter or complaining. Thank you Tabitha, and Rumit, and Chris, and all you other Teresa's Oblivion supporters.

Here's my list of reasons for saying good-bye to the site:

1. Angelfire would NOT let me get into most of my accounts, so I couldn't update or work on it anyway.
2. I never had time or energy or inspiration to update it - it never seemed to turn out quite the way I wanted.
3. The HTML thinking process was getting too difficult. Ever since the introduction of to me by Vanessa, not using click-and-drop just seems to be dumb.
4. Side projects. Losers In Love and Wrestling - Olney Style and Guilt By Association are really much more fun to work on.

So there you have it. If you still want to see the old site - in its permenance of remaining that way, click here. After I finish up the wrestling thing, I might make a new homepage for myself using homestead. *shrugs* I need something to radiation myself, right?

It's been fun, guys ... I'll see you when the river bends.