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Welcome To Midnight Enterprises

Anime And Why It Rocks!!!!!

1/1/2001 Well how can I say this .........TOLD YA SO! I told you all that I would have this site up and running again.......I bet most of you thought "Nah , he couldn't get it up and going again" But I new that you would all think that so I'm taking Midnight Enterprises for one last run before I shut it down completely. Same as before I still have to say Thanks to Je§†er (K'MA), Tally , Woo-Z , SharpDragon , Z3N & everyone else I know I will haveto change this into HTML format cause writing this way does suck. 4/1/2001 HA HA!! Even better I have become.....with a new page and you guessed it ....MORE Midnight Enterprises.....and you people thought I was dead and buried....well guess what I'm back ....and I'm as bad as ever! Midnight (K'MA) CEO Of Midnight Enterprises Midnight Enterprises is Copyright 2000 And is the property of Midnight Enterprises Co. P.S : Please don't nick my pictures that I put up on this page cause it has taken me more than 3 years to get this collection together , if you would like all/some of the pictures that I have of ANY anime series just look me up on ICQ. My ICQ UIN is 24513813 or just get me at my e-mail addy down the bottom.


Anime it RULES
( ( k l o z z - ü p @ 2 ø ø ø ) ) ONLY 18 & Over Plz ppl if Not ......don't click here!
MP3 downloads
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2000........ARGH!
Great Chat Site......
-=MoonLight Page=- KICKS ASS!
2nd Installment of Midnight Enterprises OH NO!! NOT MORE!
(K'MA) Kill 'eM All
Join the Battle on BATTLE.NET and help the (K'MA) forces
