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The Sev Files
The Sev Files
: A cartoon spoof of The X-Files.

This page is dedicated to finding logical and scientifically plausible explanations for all controversies. As time goes on, more will be added. If you have any information concerning logical or illogical explanations, please e-mail me at the address below. Also, if you have any comments about the site please drop me a line at the guestbook, also below. Please keep in mind though that I am a freshman in high school who is working on keeping her grades up (4.0 level) so as little stress as possible please!

New News:
I HAVE 2 BANNERS!!! One is:

and the other is:

If you would like to post them, e-mail me for the code. Or, scroll down to the bottom. It should be there in a few weeks. I added a cute little "humor" section. Pretty cool, just go Here to see the Funnies of my site. AND even better-THE STORY ON MOTHMAN IS HERE! Go to the "Other" section by clicking here then take a look at the mothman link.

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LAST UPDATED: 4/20/2000

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Government Conspiracies
Conspiracy Theory (not my page)- full of things that I can prove wrong!

PARAseek.com - The Paranormal Search Engine

There have been investigators.

Today is

It is

Email: agent_scully_fbi@mailcity.com

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