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Steel & Rug's EQ album

Welcome :) This is a place where Rug and I can share some of our favorite sights and adventures of Norrath with our friends.
The formatting ain't much *shrugs* but I hope you like the pics. Throughout the site, you can click on thumbnails for full-size images that will open in new windows.

Click on a link to be taken to a gallery:

Fighting for Flags

Scenes from the Elemental Planes

Various sig doodles


Fun in the Old World Planes

Dragons and Other Epic Encounters


LotWR Events

LotWR Epic Encounters

Gallery of LotWR Epics

If anyone has a screenshot from one of these events that they'd like me to post, just email it to me.
Last fiddled with September 9, 2003
All images from EverQuest are copyright Sony Online Entertainment, Inc.