Here are some numbers for those who want to play with them. These numbers represent the velocity change (delta-v) in kilometers per second (km/sec) required for a body to shift orbit location to include launch or landing.

From To Delta-V
LEOPhobos, Deimos5.6
LEOMars Surface4.8
LEOL4, L53.9
LEOLunar surface6.2
LEOAsteroids 1982 DB4.5
LEO1982XB, HR, Anteros5.3


LMO Phobos 0.54
LMO Deimos 0.87
LMO Mars 0.05
LMO Escape 1.43
LMO Earth return 3.4
Phobos LMO/Mars 0.56
Phobos Deimos 0.74
Phobos escape 0.89
Phobos Earth return 2.88
Phobos & DeimosLEO 1.8
Deimos LMO/Mars 0.67
Deimos Phobos 0.74
Deimos escape 0.56
Deimos Lunar Surface2.55
Lunar surface LEO 3.2
GEO synch.LEO4.2
GEO synch.1982 DB0.14
Earth surfaceLEO12
Earth surfaceGEO15