In Time Of Crisis ...

i.e. the power is out ...  AGAIN

Soroban (Abacus) for long tabular computation.
+ - * /
Slide Rule for complex equation computation.
accurate for 3 decimal places
* / log exp trig(sin cos tan) roots
Sextant for accurate navigation.
based on precision time keeping and
accurate angular measurement.
Chronometer (s) for accurate time keeping.
(3) three mechanical with manual wind
(1) one or more solid state
Hard Copy
Bible for spiritual, moral, ethical,
social, family and personal
guidance and general education
Dictionary for commonality of language.
for inventive / educational reference
Medical First Aid, CPR, Mid-Wife,
Field Surgery,
Nutrition and Pharmacology
Atlas Planetary Maps, Star Charts,
Astronomical Events and Times
Signal Mirror external light source
manual Morse
Signal Light internal light source
manual Morse
CW Radio low power radio transmitter
seperate receiver
manual Morse Code Word (CW)
Situation Normal
Comments Welcomed